Link Users With Many-to-Many Fields
So far, we have used ForeignKey
relationships for linking different model types together. These create one-to-many relationships. For example, the model Photo
has a ForeignKey
relationship to User
via the field uploader
. You can only link each instance of Photo
to one instance of User
, but you can link an instance of User
to many different instances of Photo
You can also use the OneToOneField
to create one-to-one relationships. In this case, you can only link each instance of Model A to one instance of Model B, and vice versa.
A common use case for one-to-one relationships is using profile models to extend the User
model. In our case, as we have two user types - creators and subscribers - we may want to create a Creator
and a Subscriber
model, each with a OneToOneField
relating to the User
. These will contain information needed for each user, but that is only relevant to the creator and subscriber types.
Finally, you also have the option of the ManyToManyField
, which you can use to create many-to-many relationships. Suppose Model A has a ManyToManyField
linking it to Model B. That means that it can be linked to many different instances of Model B, and also that an instance of Model B can also be linked to many different instances of Model A.
On our site, we are going to use many-to-many relationships to allow users to follow other users. We want a user to be able to subscribe to many different creators and to be subscribed to by multiple other users, so a many-to-many relationship is perfect.
Now to implement this pattern in our models.
Step 1: Update the Models
To facilitate a many-to-many relationship between users, you need to specify a ManyToManyField
on the User
model that links to another User
. Let's call ours follows
# authentication/
class User(AbstractUser):
follows = models.ManyToManyField(
limit_choices_to={'role': CREATOR},
The first argument in the ManyToManyField
is the model that you are forming a relationship with. In our case, it is another User
model, which we reference with 'self'
You can limit which users can be followed by using the optional limit_choices_to
keyword. We only want to allow users with the CREATOR
role to be followed.
In this special case, where both models in the many-to-many relationship are the same, you also have to specify whether the relationship is symmetrical. Symmetrical relationships are ones in which there is no difference between the two parties in the relationship, such as linking two friends. One user follows another, so you specify symmetrical=False
. The symmetrical
argument is not required if you link to model other than the one in which the ManyToManyField
is declared.
Now make and run the migrations.
(ENV) ~/fotoblog (master)
→ python makemigrations
Migrations for 'authentication':
- Add field follows to user
(ENV) ~/fotoblog (master)
→ python migrate
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, authentication, blog, contenttypes, sessions
Running migrations:
Applying authentication.0004_user_follows... OK
Next, let’s see how to use forms to create the many-to-many relationships in a view.
Step 2: Creating Many-to-Many Relationships in a Form
To create the many-to-many relationship in the view, you first need to define the appropriate form. As the fields are on the User
model, you can use a ModelForm
Create a form that allows the user to select other users to follow.
# blog/
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
User = get_user_model()
class FollowUsersForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ['follows']
Step 3: Create the View
Now handle the form in a view.
# blog/
def follow_users(request):
form = forms.FollowUsersForm(instance=request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = forms.FollowUsersForm(request.POST, instance=request.user)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('home')
return render(request, 'blog/follow_users_form.html', context={'form': form})
With ManyToManyField
you can use the
function to create the many-to-many relationship.
Step 4: Create the Template
Next, add the template as usual.
# blog/templates/blog/follow_users_form.html
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
Follow Users
{{ form.as_p }}
{% csrf_token %}
type="submit" Confirm
{% endblock content %}
Step 5: Add the URL Pattern
Now add the URL pattern for the new page.
# fotoblog/
urlpatterns = [
path('follow-users/', blog.views.follow_users, name='follow_users')
Step 6: Add a Link to the New Page
Add a link from the sidebar.
# templates/base.html
{% if %}
href="{% url 'photo_upload' %}"Upload Photo
href="{% url 'create_multiple_photos' %}"Upload Multiple Photos
{% endif %}
href="{% url 'follow_users' %}"Follow Users
href="{% url 'upload_profile_photo' %}"Change Profile Photo
Let's see how that form looks.
We’ve done it. The form contains all of the creators and allows the user to select and follow them. It also allows you to select multiple users by holding the CTRL/Command button; the form then stores them in a many-to-many field.
Next, let’s see how to store information about many-to-many relationships.
Store Extra Data on Many-to-Many Relationships With Intermediary Tables
Sometimes, you will want to store extra data on the relationship between two model instances linked by a many-to-many relationship.
Let's say you want to allow a Blog
model to have multiple contributors and store a log of what each author has added.
To do this, create an intermediary table to store data on the relationship. When you use the ManyToManyField
, Django produces this table on its own. All you are doing is creating it manually instead.
Step 1: Create the Intermediary Table
The intermediary table requires two ForeignKey
relationships to the two models involved in the many-to-many relationship. For our application, one to the User
and one to the Blog
We are also going to add the field contribution
to store information on which author contributed what.
Let’s see how this looks.
# blog/
class BlogContributor(models.Model):
contributor = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
blog = models.ForeignKey(Blog, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
contribution = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('contributor', 'blog')
We set the unique_together
attribute in the Meta
class to ensure that there is only one instance of BlogContributor
for each contributor
- blog
Step 2: Update the ManyToManyField
to Use the Intermediary Table
Now add a ManyToManyField
to Blog
and tell it to use our intermediary table.
Do this by specifying the through
keyword argument when declaring the field. You just need to point it towards the new model. For now, let's leave the old author
field in place, but we will make it optional by allowing it to be null
class Blog(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
contributors = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through='BlogContributor')
Now make the migrations.
→ python makemigrations
SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:
ERRORS: (fields.E304) Reverse accessor for '' clashes with reverse accessor for 'blog.Blog.contributors'.
HINT: Add or change a related_name argument to the definition for '' or 'blog.Blog.contributors'.
blog.Blog.contributors: (fields.E304) Reverse accessor for 'blog.Blog.contributors' clashes with reverse accessor for ''.
HINT: Add or change a related_name argument to the definition for 'blog.Blog.contributors' or ''.
Oh no! Django doesn't seem happy with the changes! The reason you see this is because there is a clash in our reverse accessor.
Before adding this field, you could have used user.blog_set
to access a QuerySet of a particular author's Blog
But now if we want to do the same for the contributors
field - by retrieving all of the Blog
instances for a User
for which the user is present in the contributors
of the Blog
instance - again, the reverse look up would be user.blog_set
To get around this, give the field a custom reverse accessor by specifying the related_name
argument. If you set this to contributions
, you can then access all of the Blog
instances with the User
as a contributor via user.contributions
Let’s update the model accordingly.
# blog/
class Blog(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
contributors = models.ManyToManyField(
settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, through='BlogContributor', related_name='contributions')
And then try those migrations again.
(ENV) ~/fotoblog (master)
→ python makemigrations
Migrations for 'blog':
- Create model BlogContributor
- Add field contributors to blog
(ENV) ~/fotoblog (master)
→ python migrate
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, authentication, blog, contenttypes, sessions
Running migrations:
Applying blog.0003_auto_20210427_2325... OK
Step 3: Update the View to Handle a Many-to-Many Relationship
Next, update the blog_and_photo_upload
view to reflect the changes.
Let’s see how the view currently handles a POST
def blog_and_photo_upload(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
blog_form = forms.BlogForm(request.POST)
photo_form = forms.PhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if all([blog_form.is_valid(), photo_form.is_valid()]):
photo =
photo.uploader = request.user
blog = = photo = request.user
You can only store the relationships in the ManyToManyField
once the model has been saved into the database.
In our case, we want to add the logged in user as a contributor once the blog
instance is saved.
To do that, use the add
method to create the many-to-many relationship. You can also specify the contents of the extra fields with the through_defaults
keyword argument.
Let’s update the view to use the new ManyToManyField
def blog_and_photo_upload(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
blog_form = forms.BlogForm(request.POST)
photo_form = forms.PhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if all([blog_form.is_valid(), photo_form.is_valid()]):
photo =
photo.uploader = request.user
blog = = photo
blog.contributors.add(request.user, through_defaults={'contribution': 'Primary Author'})
return redirect('home')
The contributor relationship has now been saved as a many-to-many relationship instead.
We have added the capability to add multiple contributors for a blog post, but we still need to migrate the old data stored in the author
field to the new format. That is what you are going to do next.
Exercise: Migrate From a ForeignKey
to a ManyToManyField
Using a Custom Migration
Now that our new relationship is set up, you can migrate the data from the old one-to-many relationship to a many-to-many relationship.
To do this, you will need to:
Create an empty migration in the
app.In the migration, iterate through each instance of the
model. Add the value ofauthor
with a default contribution of'Primary Author'
for each one.Run the migration. If you are happy with the result, delete the
field onBlog
.Make and run the new migrations. You should have successfully migrated all of the existing data to the new dataset!
Once you’ve written your custom migration, see how it matches up against the solution in the GitHub repo.
Let's Recap!
Use the
to store many-to-many relationships.Many-to-many relationships are stored in intermediary tables.
To store data on a relationship, create custom intermediary tables with additional fields and point to them with the
Now that you’re familiar with many-to-many relationships, let’s check your model and form skills before moving on to the Django ORM and templates.