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Last updated on 3/3/22

Display Data From an API in a Class Component

Components go through various stages between the time they’re generated in the DOM and the time they’re removed from it. With class components, you have a list of stages that match a specific moment in the lifecycle in which you can perform actions.

I’m talking about lifecycle methods.

Discover Lifecycle Methods

In the screencast below, you’ll see a quick demonstration of the different stages that a component goes through that you can access. 👇

Clearer now?

Here is a quick summary of the different stages that you have access to in class components:

A diagram of lifecycle methods
A diagram of lifecycle methods

As you saw in the screencast:

  • The  constructor  is called when the component appears for the first time in a virtual DOM. It receives the initial props as an argument. 

  • Then comes the  render  , then call  componentDidMount()  (once the component is mounted on the DOM). 

  • If there’s an update and the component re-renders,  componentDidUpdate  is called.

  • And just before, the component is removed from the DOM, and you call  componentWillUnmount .

You can learn more about other lifecycle methods in the React documentation.

Call an API in a Class Component With componentDidMount

It’s now time to call the Shiny API in a new class component. Let’s create a new component that displays more information about a freelancer when you click on the  Card  .

Start by allowing navigation onhttp://localhost/profile/:id  . There's a new rout to redirect users to the freelancer profile in the  index.jsx  file at your  /src   root: 

<Route path="/freelancers">
   <Freelancers />
<Route path="/profile/:id">
   <Profile />
<Route path="*">
   <Error />

Next allow navigation on the  profile  page by adding a link around the  Card  in  /pages/Freelancers/index.jsx :

   {freelancersList?.map((profile) => (
      <Link key={`freelance-${profile.id}`} to={`/profile/${profile.id}`}>

Don’t forget to delete the favorite feature in the class component (so you don't pointlessly add stars). Now all you have to do is develop   pages/Profile/index.jsx  itself!

Start by getting the  id  of the freelancer whose profile you want to display in the parameters. But… how?

Can’t we just use  useParams  like we did for the survey page?!

No! Remember, you can only access hooks from function components. 😢

You’re going to have to use a different method to declare the route for accessing history. In  /src/index.jsx :

   render={(props) => <Profile {...props} />}

Which lets you access the  match  object in your props.

So in pages  /Profile/index.jsx  , declare your component and then get the parameter passed in the URL with  this.props.match.params.id  , which gives you:

import { Component } from 'react'

class Profile extends Component {
   render() {
      const { id } = this.props.match.params
      return <div><h1>Freelancer : {id}</h1></div>

export default Profile

Yay! The parameter is displaying correctly. 🎉

Now it’s time to get down to business and launch the API call in the lifecycle method  componentDidMount()  . Once again, you won’t be able to use the useFetch  hook because you’re in a class component.

So let’s start with the  constructor  . If you look at the API, you’ll see that you’re going to get a  profileData  object. Therefore, you need  profileData  in your state.

constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
      profileData: {},

For the fetch, you can reuse the code that you had in  useFetch  Promise version. Put it in  componentDidMount()  , giving you:

componentDidMount() {
   const { id } = this.props.match.params
   .then((response) => response.json())
   .then((jsonResponse) => {
      this.setState({ profileData: jsonResponse?.freelanceData })

It works! 🎉

The  async  /  await  syntax would have looked like this:

componentDidMount() {
   const { id } = this.props.match.params
   const fetchData = async () => {
      const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8000/freelance?id=${id}`)
      const jsonResponse = await response.json()
      if (jsonResponse && jsonResponse.freelanceData) {
         this.setState({ profileData: jsonResponse?.freelanceData })

All you need to do now is display what your API returns, and your component is ready:

import { Component } from 'react'

class Profile extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
         profileData: {},

   componentDidMount() {
      const { id } = this.props.match.params
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((jsonResponse) => {
         this.setState({ profileData: jsonResponse?.freelanceData })

   render() {
      const { profileData } = this.state
      const {
      } = profileData

      return (
            <img src={picture} alt={name} height={150} width={150} />
               {skills &&
                  skills.map((skill) => (
                     <div key={`skill-${skill}-${id}`}>{skill}</div>
            <div>{available ? 'Available immediately' : 'Unavailable'}</div>
            <span>{tjm} € / day</span>

export default Profile

Ta-da! You have a whole new  Profile  component for displaying freelancer profiles, and all written with a class component. 😎 We haven’t added any style so far, but you can find all ones you’ll need on the GitHub repository for this course.

Give It a Go!

It’s time to put everything you’ve learned into practice. You can start this exercise on branch P4C2-begin where you’ll find:

  • The code that we’ve set up in this chapter.

  • The style.

  • Using context to get  theme  with the way of making class components. 

This time, you’re going to convert the class component we created in   pages/Profile/index.jsx  into a function component.

As always, you’ll find the solution to the exercise on branch P4C2-solution.

Let’s Recap!

  • Components pass through different stages in between being mounted on and removed from the DOM. 

  • The lifecycle methods that you access from class components let you run your code at specific moments that line up with these stages. 

  • componentDidMount()  is the preferred method for making an API call. 

And there you have it! A tour of class components. You should now have the basic knowledge you need for working with a codebase that includes class components. Next chapter, you’ll find some pieces of advice to help you spread your wings within the React ecosystem. See you there! 

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