Model a Database With UML
All IT systems use a database, including mobile, web, and desktop applications. In this course, you will:
Discover the concept of a database, its purpose, and how to use it.
Learn to recognize different types of data, some of which are very structured and some less so.
Model a database by creating your very first UML class diagram.
Learn how to translate your UML diagram into a relational model.
Throughout the course, you will use the following scenario: you are part of a team of mobile application developers. One of the app’s original features is that you can visit filming locations used in your favorite films or television series. Your role on the team is to design the database structure. Your colleagues will be programming the application functionality.
There are no prerequisites for this course. You won’t be learning to write computer programs here. However, if you’d like to increase your knowledge after this course, SQL coding will be part of the next step.
When structured data needs to be modeled, the professional world widely uses relational data modeling. Sign up!
Learning outcomes
- Analyze your data and choose the appropriate type of database
- Create a UML class diagram for your database
- Determine the relational model for your database using your UML diagram
Prerequisites: If you want to learn about databases, follow part 1 of the Apply a Domain-Driven Design Approach to Development course. This will provide you with the basic logical and analytical approach needed for data modeling.
Table of contents
- Part 1
Identify What a Database Is
- Part 2
Create a UML Class Diagram for Your Database
- Part 3
Use the Conceptual Model to Create the Relational Model
- 1
Identify the Key Features of the Relational Model
- 2
Determine Your Primary Keys
- 3
Link Tables Using Foreign Keys
- 4
Transform the Associations From Your UML Class Diagram
- 5
Transform Your Compositions and Association Classes
- 6
Transform Your Inheritance Relations
Quiz: Determine the Relational Model for Your Database Using Your UML Diagram
- Part 4
Optimize and Implement Your Relational Model