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Last updated on 6/30/22

Install Packet Tracer on Your Operating System

Download Cisco Packet Tracer

Cisco Packet Tracer is a multi-platform application that works equally well on Windows, Linux, and macOS. This is really beneficial, because it means you can start to work on a diagram on Windows, continue on Linux and finish it off on macOS. The files (.pkt) are fully compatible between operating systems.

To download Cisco Packet Tracer, you need to log in to Cisco NetAcad. Because I’m really kind, I’ll give you one last guided tour, but after that, you're on your own!

Log in to Cisco NetAcad by clicking on Login once again.

You’ll return to your Cisco NetAcad My Learning home page.

Simply select Resources and then Download Packet Tracer.


You’ll land on this page where you’ll see various links to download Cisco Packet Tracer, depending on your operating system.

The page with download links for Packet Tracer for each operating system
The page with download links for Packet Tracer for each operating system

Install Cisco Packet Tracer on Windows

If you're using Windows, please watch the following video showing how to install Cisco Packet Tracer:

Install Cisco Packet Tracer on Linux

If you're using Linux, here’s how to install the software:

Install Cisco Packet Tracer on macOS

If you're using macOS, here’s how to install the software:

Cisco Packet Tracer mobile application running on iOS showing examples of predefined network connectivity devices
Cisco Packet Tracer mobile application running on iOS showing examples of predefined network connectivity devices

Let's Recap!

In this chapter, you’ve seen:

  • how to download Cisco Packet Tracer from the Cisco NetAcad training platform.

  • how to install and launch Cisco Packet Tracer on Windows.

  • how to install and launch Cisco Packet Tracer on Linux.

  • how to install and launch Cisco Packet Tracer on macOS.

Now that you’ve installed Cisco Packet Tracer, you’ll be able to create some real network diagrams, so let’s get on with the next part!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement