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Last updated on 9/1/22

Practice Setting up Your Page Layout in Excel

Practice makes perfect!
Practice makes perfect!

Over to You!

To complete this exercise, use our sales summary dataset.

Here’s what to do:

  • In Sheet1:

    • Sort the “Total” (inc. VAT) from smallest to largest.

    • Apply conditional formatting to display any totals inc. VAT that exceed $3,000 in “Green Fill with Dark Green Text.”

  • Create a copy of “Sheet1” and put the new sheet at the end of the row of tabs.

    • Rename the new sheet “January.”

    • In C2, type “January.”

  • Create a copy of the “January” sheet and put the new sheet at the end of the row of tabs.

    • Rename the new sheet “February.”

    • In C2, type “February.”

  • Create a copy of the “February” sheet and put the new sheet at the end of the row of tabs.

    • Rename the new sheet “March.”

    • In C2, type “March.”

  • Hide Sheet1.

  • Rename Sheet2 “Quarter 1.”

    • Move the “Quarter 1” sheet to the end of the row of tabs.

    • Change the color of the tab to yellow.

  • In the Quarter 1 sheet:

    • Freeze the top row.

    • Hide the gridlines.

    • Change the footer to print page numbers.

Answer Key

You can check your work by downloading the sales summary answer key.

You’ve learned to set up your page layout in Excel. In the final part of this course, we're going to look at what makes Excel truly powerful: data analysis!

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