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Last updated on 6/2/23

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Get the Most Out of This Course

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This course is divided into three sections, each with four or five chapters. At the end of each section, you’ll find a quiz to test your learning so far.

Through these three sections, you’ll understand how to think in terms of the now, the new, and the next - and we’ll zero in on some core technologies in particular: the emergence of quantum computing, synthetic biology, and the impact of blockchain and the underlying value protocol of Web3.

In Part 1, you’ll learn how to identify opportunities for innovation. Then, you’ll learn about value chain mapping and how to evaluate the technology readiness of those innovations.

Part 2 will show you how to establish a framework to analyze emerging technologies in practice. First, we’ll dive into the world of AI and the implications of data being captured, moved around, and put to use. Then we’ll examine the implications of Web3 – the underpinning protocol layer that enables the exchange of value. 

Finally, in Part 3, you will learn how to look to the future – to use your framework to analyze the next generation of emerging technologies, such as synthetic biology and quantum computing. How can you create a use case for adapting emerging tech to use in your organization?

Meet Your Teachers

Kary Bheemaiah

Kary Bheemaiah is Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO) of Capgemini Invent & Co-Lead of Capgemini Metaverse Lab.

As CTIO of Capgemini Invent, I help define the business and sectorial implications of emerging technologies that are of strategic importance to Capgemini and its clients. I lead Blockchain and Web3 initiatives at Capgemini Invent and am the co-lead of the Capgemini Metaverse Lab. I’m also the author of "The Blockchain Alternative: Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy & Economic Theory" (2016 Springer) and have given 2 TEDx talks on Capitalism and Blockchain.

Mike Weston

I’m Mike Weston, and I’ve spent the past 25 years working with and consulting about how technology can be used to create value in a variety of different commercial, governmental, and nonprofit organizations. I lead a UK consultancy practice for commercial strategy and data-led transformation.

To understand how best to respond to emerging technology, you need a clear framework to appraise it and its potential.

Join me in the next chapter, where we will set out the first part of that analysis framework: value chain mapping.

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