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Last updated on 11/10/22

Create Your First Dockerfile

You now know how to use the Docker command interface and pull images from the Docker Hub. But how do you create your own image?

In this chapter, we’re going to create a Docker image together, in which we’ll install Node.js as well as the different dependencies for our project.

We’ll start by creating a file named “Dockerfile.” In this file, you’ll find the whole recipe describing the Docker image that you need for your project.

Every instruction that we give in our Dockerfile will create a new layer corresponding to each stage in the image build or the recipe.

If we stick with the cooking analogy, Dockerfile gives us our recipe for making a layer cake. So each argument creates a new "layer" for our cake. Our goal is to keep the number of layers to a minimum so that our cake is as lightweight and high-performing as possible.

Create the Instructions in Your Dockerfile

The first thing you need to do is create a file named “Dockerfile,” and then within this file, define the image that you’re going to use as a base, using the  FROM  instruction. For our example, we’re going to use a Debian 11 base image.

FROM debian:11

FROM  is an instruction that can only be used once in a Dockerfile.

After that, use the  RUN  instruction to run a command in your container.

RUN apt-get update -yq \
&& apt-get install curl gnupg -yq \
&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash \
&& apt-get install nodejs npm -yq \
&& apt-get clean -y

Then use the  ADD  instruction to copy or download files into the image. For our example, we’ll use it to add the sources of our local application in the  /app/  image folder.

ADD . /app/

Next, we’ll use the  WORKDIR  instruction to modify the current directory. This command is equivalent to a  cd  in the command line. All of the following commands will be executed from the defined directory.


Then, the next  RUN  instruction will install the Node.js project package.

RUN npm install

Now that you have the source code and dependencies present in your container, we need to give our image some final pieces of information.

VOLUME /app/logs

The  EXPOSE  instruction describes which port your app is listening on. The  VOLUME  instruction describes which directory you want to share with your host.

Finally, we have an instruction that should always be present, which we’ll place on the final line to make it as clear as possible:  CMD. This lets our container know which command it should run once it starts up.

CMD npm run start

So that leaves us with the following for our complete Dockerfile:

FROM debian:11

RUN apt-get update -yq \
&& apt-get install curl gnupg -yq \
&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash \
&& apt-get install nodejs npm -yq \
&& apt-get clean -y

ADD . /app/
RUN npm install

VOLUME /app/logs

CMD npm run start

Create Your .dockerignore File

Our Dockerfile is now in working order! However, there are still a few adjustments we need to make.

On Git projects, we use the  .gitignore  file. On Docker, it’s a similar thing. This prevents the copying of certain files and/or folders into our container when executing the  ADD  instruction.

At your project root (so next to your Dockerfile), create a  .dockerignore  file that contains the following lines:


Enjoy Optimized Docker

One final thing: when you execute the  docker build  command, Docker will create a container for each instruction, and the result will be saved in a layer. The end result is a collection of layers that create a complete Docker image.

There are various advantages to this. If a layer doesn’t move between two builds, Docker will not rebuild it. Only layers located after a layer that is rebuilt will be rebuilt in turn.

This means you can create new images very quickly, without having to wait a long time for your image build.

In our example, if we add a dependency in the  package.json  file, and then re-run our image build, you’ll see that it’s only the layers located after the  ADD package.json /app/  that are rebuilt. The Node.js installation remains in the cache.

Run Your Personalized Container!

You’re now ready to create your first Docker image!

docker build -t ocr-docker-build .

The  -t  argument is for naming your Docker image. This makes it easier to find your image later down the line.

The  .  is the directory where the Dockerfile is located. In our example, it’s at our project root.

You can now run your container with the  docker run  command:

docker run -d -p 2368:2368 ocr-docker-build

In the  logs  folder, you’ll find your application logs. Access this folder on port  2368, via the URL

Let’s Recap!

You now know how to use the following instructions to create a Docker image:

  • FROM  for setting the source image

  • RUN  for running commands in your container

  • ADD  for adding files to your container

  • WORKDIR  for defining your working directory

  • EXPOSE  for defining the default listening ports

  • VOLUME  for defining usable volumes

  • CMD  for defining the default command when executing your Docker containers

In the next chapter, we’ll learn how to use images with sharing on Docker Hub.

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Example of certificate of achievement