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Last updated on 6/2/23

You Can Count on the OpenClassrooms Community

If you have a problem, you can find help in the following places:

  • The training program’s project mentor guides.

  • The Help Center on the platform.

  • The mentor channels on Slack.

  • The webinars and the newsletters.

  • Your direct points of contact on the OpenClassrooms team.

Check the Mentor Guide

The Mentor Guide is your main reference for mentoring a student.

Each project comprises several tabs. As a mentor you have access to the “Mentor Guide” tab. The Mentor Guide provides details about the assessment criteria used by the assessor to evaluate a student’s deliverables.

In other words, the Mentor Guide is a shared resource between the mentor and the assessor that’s used to align mentor expectations and the assessment criteria for deliverables.

This will help you guide the student so that they present complete and relevant deliverables during the assessment.

Check the Help Center

Within the help center, there is an area dedicated to questions asked by mentors. Each frequently asked question is sorted in a specific category to help find answers quickly.
Help center topics for mentors

In the Help Center, you’ll find a series of articles that answer the most frequently asked questions by mentors.

Join the Mentor Groups on Slack 

Join the group of people mentoring students on the same path as you. There you will be able to:

  • ask the community questions.

  • reply to questions from other mentors.

In general, Slack groups are an opportunity to chat with professionals and learners from all walks of life.

On Slack you will have access to news feeds about mentoring and training programs in general. That means you can keep an eye out for official announcements, i.e. results and latest updates.

Sign up to our Webinars

Our monthly and weekly webinars include a lot of important information. Be sure to sign up!

Taking part in webinars allows you to:

  1. Keep up to date with all the latest news.

  2. Ask questions in person (or find out the answers to other mentors’ questions).

In addition to the webinars, mentorship managers (with help from experienced mentors) also organize:

  • webinars to address skills specific to mentoring.

  • online discussions to cover the projects that are causing you the most difficulty. 

Read the Newsletter

To follow OpenClassrooms news about mentorship and training, you will be automatically subscribed to our monthly newsletter.

Important information is always communicated in the newsletter (platform feature updates, invoicing changes, etc.).

Contact Your Mentorship Manager

You can talk directly to the Mentorship Manager for your path. They are there to provide you with operational and educational support while you’re a mentor. They’re also responsible for making sure that the mentorship process is going well.

Contact Us

The contact form is used for all your mentoring team requests, which will then be forwarded to the right person. We will send you an answer via email.

The contact form is available in the help center. Click on the Submit a request button in the top right-hand corner.
The contact form is available in the help center

Let’s Recap!

  • Mentor guides are available for each project to help you support your students.

  • You can get in touch with the Mentorship Managers via the contact form.

  • All mentors and students use Slack to discuss and exchange ideas (tips, best practices, resources, networking, etc.).

  • Webinars are held at regular intervals throughout the year to keep you informed, you’ll also be invited to participate in conferences/workshops on specific skills. 

This is the end of the first part of the course! We suggest you take a quick quiz before we look at the student profiles in more detail.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement