Those fundings are not yet available in your country
The funding types listed here are country-specific to France.
How can you fund your training program?
Whatever your work situation, we have a funding solution for you.

Quelle est votre situation professionnelle ?
Nos formations sont un tremplin vers l'emploi. Vous apprenez un métier parmi les plus recherchés sur le marché. Pour financer ces formations, votre statut de demandeur d’emploi vous donne accès à divers dispositifs publics.

Funded by France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi) - Certification training programs
For job seekers registered with France Travail, business leaders, freelancers, self-employed workers, and students, subject to eligibility.
France Travail fully finances long and certifying training programs in the fields of development, systems and networks, pedagogy, human resources, data, and project management. At the end of your training, you will obtain an RNCP title at level 5 to 7 (associate's degree to master's degree). We will also help you find a job!The advantages
- Up to 100% funded, possible compensation
- Immediate start but places are limited: don't hesitate to contact your France Travail advisor!
- Learn through hands-on experience and benefit from mentorship
Financement Région Île-de-France - Formations certifiantes
Demandeurs d'emploi résidant en Île-de-France
La Région Île-de-France finance intégralement des formations longues et certifiantes dans les domaines du développement, des systèmes et réseaux, de la pédagogie, des ressources humaines, du business, de la data et de la gestion de projet. À la fin de votre formation, vous obtiendrez un titre RNCP de niveau 5 à 7 (bac +2 à bac +5). Nous vous aiderons aussi à trouver un emploi !The advantages
- La formation est jusqu'à 100% financée et une rémunération peut être attribuée sous certaines conditions.
- Formez-vous à un métier d’avenir en 7 à 12 mois (temps plein).
- Learn through hands-on experience and benefit from mentorship.
For all French residents aged 16 and over, or unemployed people, as well as U.S. and UK residents, subject to eligibility
you learn key job skills and gain professional on-the-job experience while being paid. Our certified work-study training programs are 100% online and supervised by a mentor.Employees can also benefit from work-study programs through the "Pro-A" scheme.
The advantages
- We help you find a apprenticeship employer through thousands of job opportunities and innovative services
- 100% funded by the employer and receive a monthly salary
- Start whenever you want and determine your work/study schedule with your company
- Chaque employeur qui embauche un alternant de 16 à 29 ans reçoit une aide financière de 6000€ pour la première année du contrat
Jeunes de 16 à 29 ans, travailleurs en situation de handicap (RQTH), accessible sans pré-requis.
Avec Prép’Apprentissage, vous pouvez acquérir des premières compétences pour ensuite démarrer un contrat d'apprentissage visant un des diplômes suivants : Développeur WordPress, Intégrateur Web ou Technicien Informatique.The advantages
- Une formation 100% concrète, financée et rémunérée.
- Bénéficiez de l'aide d'un coach pour trouver votre alternance pendant deux mois, gratuitement !
- Apprenez le métier en pratique en entreprise et bénéficiez du financement de votre employeur pour la formation en alternance en sortie de Prép’App.

Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)
For active individuals with training rights, employees, job seekers registered with France Travail, and anyone with training rights.
The CPF is a state system designed for everyone who has engaged in professional activity. It is an individual account that contains a "fund" to finance training programs.If your CPF balance is insufficient to fully finance your training, you can either pay in full using a credit card or request additional funding on the Mon Compte Formation website if you are registered with France Travail or are employed.
The advantages
- Funded according to your CPF credits
- Possibility to supplement with additional funding if needed
- Full-time training or alongside your current activity

Other public funding
Young people aged 16 to 29, disabled workers (with recognized disability status), accessible without prerequisites.
Many organizations such as your region, France Travail, or AGEFIPH can assist you in financing your training project. In addition to the 'Distance Learning Program - 100% Remote Solutions' offered by France Travail mentioned above, your France Travail advisor can guide you towards these various programs or propose Individual Training Assistance (AIF). This option can complement your CPF if needed. Discuss this with your France Travail advisor.The advantages
- Up to 100% funded, possible compensation
- Vous pouvez affiner les possibilités en échangeant avec votre conseiller France Travail.

Monthly subscription by credit card
For all
To start right away and learn at your own pace, the monthly subscription remains the most flexible solution. You will be charged every month on the anniversary date of your enrollment.The advantages
- Start whenever you want and set the pace of your training
- No commitment: stop at any time
98,22 %
de réussite au jury96 %
d'étudiants satisfaits