Our Premium offers

Premium Solo
€20 per month
Non-binding subscription
Follow courses at your pace, and obtain completion certificates recognized by employers.
  • Learn new skills
  • Access additional materials
  • Study as many courses as you want at your own pace
Premium Plus
Starting at €300 per month
Non-binding subscription
Learn skills for a new career with the support of a mentor to earn a diploma and land a job, guaranteed.
  • Earn internationally recognized diplomas
  • Receive individual help from your own mentor
  • Have regular chats with your mentor to tailor your learning and pace
€0 per month
Premium Solo
€20 per month
Premium Plus
Starting at €300 per month
Evaluation exercises
Progress dashboard
Course certificates of achievement
HD video downloads
Collaborative workspace and chat
Individual mentor support
Internationally recognized diploma
Certificate of enrollment showing student status
Register for Premium Solo Find a path

Our students are happy!

  • Debora

    "This knowledge made a big difference while I was looking for a job. Now I work at a software business, and it's awesome."

  • Max

    "What hooked me from the beginning has been the clarity and the structure of the courses. All that for free! You start from scratch, no requirements whatsoever. Also, each chapter ends with a quiz and practical work - the best way to learn!"

  • Bilal

    "OpenClassrooms helps anyone, whether graduates, students, or people with no previous knowledge in programming, to gain the knowledge they need and become ready to enter the market and find a good job."

In the news

  • "What sets OpenClassrooms apart from some MOOCs and other online learning platforms is the way that, in addition to offering training, it also provides diploma certification online."

  • "OpenClassrooms embraces the spirit of collaboration with its partners. It has attracted corporate backers including Google, Microsoft and IBM."

  • "Online courses on subjects you want, where and when you want them, in video format with a teacher or an expert in that field."


How can I pay for Premium membership?

You can pay by Visa, Electron, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express or with a PayPal account. Payment by transfer or check is only possible for annual subscriptions. Contact us if this is the case.

Is this a long-term commitment?

No, this is a non-binding offer. You can unsubscribe in one click via your OpenClassrooms account. The subscription will stop at the end of your current Premium subscription (whether yearly or monthly).

When does my Premium membership start?

Your Premium membership will be active as of your purchase date. Renewal will occur 1 month or 1 year later depending on what you selected.

What's the value of certificates of achievement? Are they useful for getting jobs?

Certain paths culminate in an internationally recognized diploma at the same level as a traditional school or university.
Our certificates of achievement are built, approved, and co-branded with prestigious partners like Google and Sensio Labs. Adding OpenClassrooms certificates on your CV or LinkedIn profile is a great way to get noticed.

What's the difference between paying monthly and annually for Premium?

You can pay your Premium membership either monthly or annually, but the annual version is discounted!

I have a free membership and have already completed and passed a course. If I become Premium, how can I get the certificate of achievement?

When you become a Premium member, you will receive certificates for all the courses you have already passed. If you go back to a free membership, these certificates will still be available on your dashboard.

How are certificates of achievement sent?

Certificates of achievement are accessible from your OpenClassrooms account as PDF files.

Who are mentors, and how are they selected?

OpenClassrooms is extremely selective in choosing mentors. We verify their technical proficiency as well as their personal and professional experience. We only accept people who are passionate about their subject matter and love to share their knowledge.
We train them on mentoring best-practices before assigning them their first students.
Mentors are regularly evaluated to verify that they remain engaged in the professional world and that their students are happy to work with them!