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[HL1] [CS] Compilation

ALT+P n'affiche pas les erreurs

    11 janvier 2006 à 21:47:01

    Bonjour à tous,

    Donc voici mon problème, après avoir creer une petite map, je compile et il me dit qu'il y a des erreurs et que je devais appuier sur ALT+P pour afficher les erreurs, mais, après avoir fait ALT+P pas d'erreur ne s'affiche donc voilà !

    Pourquoi ?
    Merci!ü ;)
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      11 janvier 2006 à 21:54:34

      Car hammer ne detecte pas tout et loin s'en faut

      mais de toute maniere c'ets le compilateur qui te donnera des vrai raport d'erreur
      donne nous ton log
      (le texte de ta fenetre de compil)
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        12 janvier 2006 à 17:09:11


        Le voilà,

        Citation : Fichier log

        hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6.1 (Jul 15 2002)
        Zoner's Half-Life Tools -- Custom Build
        Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
        Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
        Submit detailed bug reports to (
        ----- BEGIN hlcsg -----
        Command line: "C:\Program Files\eddi's Tools\ZHLT Compile GUI\ZHLT\HLCSG.EXE"-estimate -high "C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\"
        Entering C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\

        Current hlcsg Settings
        Name | Setting | Default
        threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ]
        verbose [ off ] [ off ]
        log [ on ] [ on ]
        developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
        chart [ off ] [ off ]
        estimate [ on ] [ off ]
        max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
        priority [ High ] [ Normal ]

        noclip [ off ] [ off ]
        null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
        clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
        onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
        wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
        skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
        hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
        min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
        brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

        Using mapfile wad configuration
        Wadinclude list :

        0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 9: outside world(+/-4096): (3970,3104,-96)-(4096,4112,288)
        Error: brush outside world
        Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
        Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

        Error: Entity 0, Brush 10: outside world(+/-4096): (1888,4000,-96)-(4064,4112,416)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (1888,3776,336)-(4064,4112,416)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-218)-(986,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-214)-(1002,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-200)-(986,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-218)-(4102,378,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (938,320,-214)-(4118,394,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-200)-(4102,378,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-218)-(986,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-214)-(1002,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-200)-(986,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-218)-(4102,378,666)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (938,320,-214)-(4118,394,662)
        Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-200)-(4102,378,648)
        (0.23 seconds)

        ----- END hlcsg -----

        hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6.1 (Jul 15 2002)
        Zoner's Half-Life Tools -- Custom Build
        Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
        Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
        Submit detailed bug reports to (
        ----- BEGIN hlbsp -----
        Command line: "C:\Program Files\eddi's Tools\ZHLT Compile GUI\ZHLT\HLBSP.EXE"-estimate -high "C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\"
        >> There was a problem compiling the map.
        >> Check the file C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\mini_dust_hinata.log for the cause.

        ----- END hlbsp -----

        hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6 (Jun 3 2002)
        Zoner's Half-Life Tools -- Custom Build
        Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
        Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
        Submit detailed bug reports to (
        ----- BEGIN hlvis -----
        Command line: "C:\Program Files\eddi's Tools\ZHLT Compile GUI\ZHLT\HLVIS.EXE"-estimate -full -high "C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\"
        >> There was a problem compiling the map.
        >> Check the file C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\mini_dust_hinata.log for the cause.

        ----- END hlvis -----

        hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6 (Jun 3 2002)
        Zoner's Half-Life Tools -- Custom Build
        Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
        Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
        Submit detailed bug reports to (
        ----- BEGIN hlrad -----
        Command line: "C:\Program Files\eddi's Tools\ZHLT Compile GUI\ZHLT\HLRAD.EXE"-high -bounce 10 -extra -smooth 85 -estimate "C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\"
        >> There was a problem compiling the map.
        >> Check the file C:\Documents and Settings\WorldCraft\mini_dust_hinata.log for the cause.

        ----- END hlrad -----

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 9: outside world(+/-4096): (3970,3104,-96)-(4096,4112,288)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 10: outside world(+/-4096): (1888,4000,-96)-(4064,4112,416)

        hlcsg: Error: brush outside world
        Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
        Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 43: outside world(+/-4096): (1888,3776,336)-(4064,4112,416)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 134: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-218)-(986,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-214)-(1002,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 135: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-200)-(986,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 136: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-218)-(4102,378,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (938,320,-214)-(4118,394,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,594)-(4112,4112,676)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-200)-(4102,378,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,598)-(4128,4128,672)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-228)-(4112,4112,-146)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 139: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,612)-(4112,4112,658)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-224)-(4128,4128,-150)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-218)-(986,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (928,320,-214)-(1002,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 140: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-210)-(4112,4112,-164)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (944,336,-200)-(986,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-218)-(4112,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-218)-(4102,4112,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (938,4054,-214)-(4118,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4054,320,-214)-(4128,4128,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (954,4070,-200)-(4102,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (4070,336,-200)-(4112,4112,648)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-218)-(4102,378,666)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (938,320,-214)-(4118,394,662)

        hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 144: outside world(+/-4096): (954,336,-200)-(4102,378,648)

        Merci !
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          12 janvier 2006 à 17:21:25

          Ton erreur a le merite d'etre claire
          t'a un bloc qui est trop pres ou en dehors de la grille

          recherche ces blocs en dehors de la grille
          sinon par le menu de recherche si il sont a moitié dans la grille
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            12 janvier 2006 à 19:31:50

            Oui, ca marche maintenant ! Je te remercie.

            Ca y est, j'ai pu, pour la premiè¨re fois, jouez sur une des mes création :)
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            [HL1] [CS] Compilation

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