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inserting multiple rows in to a database

insertion using an array and a prepare statement

    11 janvier 2020 à 1:34:54


    i'm trying to insert multiple rows at once into the database using a single insert statement and a prepare statement.

    i've tried with the code below but it is returning me an error" Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined in C:\wamp64\www\Projet Apache\My website\html\addquestionrequest.php on line 48"

    this is the line 48 in question 


    the complete code is this:

    $questionid = 1;
            $records = array(
                array("Questionid"=>$questionid,"Options"=>$_POST['Option_1']),# row 1 to insert
                array("Questionid"=>$questionid,"Options"=>$_POST['Option_2']),# row 2 to insert
                array("Questionid"=>$questionid,"Options"=>$_POST['Option_3']),# row 3 to insert
                array("Questionid"=>$questionid,"Options"=>$_POST['Option_4']));# row 4 to insert
                $args=array_fill(0,count($records[0]), '?');
     $req="INSERTINTO answerproposal (Questionid,Options) values (".implode(',',$args).")";
     foreach ($records as $row ) {

    please for help i've being looking foe the solution for almost 2 weeks

    thanks in advance

    Edité par DerlichDonfack 13 janvier 2020 à 3:41:02

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      11 janvier 2020 à 15:47:15

      Hello Derlich,

      You have english side to OC (in french).

      Can you please also use </> button and PHP into list to color your code into code tags ?

      more over, you have 4 options but only 1 db request, so you must loop on option to insert them

      thanks by advance

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        11 janvier 2020 à 16:08:04


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        inserting multiple rows in to a database

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