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"Nothing to be done" avec l'outils make

    31 janvier 2017 à 19:22:51


    je cherche à programmer ma TI en C depuis peu, j'utilise donc l'outil CEdev pour make mes fichiers .c en fichiers .8xp mais lors du make le cmd m'indique "Nothing to be done", voici le code du fichier makefile:

    #Change TARGET to specify the output program name
    #Change DEBUGMODE to "DEBUG" in order to compile debug.h functions in, and "NDEBUG" to not compile debugging functions
    #Change ARCHIVED to "YES" to mark the output as archived, and "NO" to not
    #Change ICONPNG to change the name of the png file that should be made into the icon
    #Change DESCRIPTION to modify what is displayed within a compatible shell (Not compiled in if icon is not present)
    #Change COMPRESSED to change if the output program should be a self extracting archive (usually reduces program size)
    TARGET ?= Snake
    ICONPNG ?= iconc.png
    DESCRIPTION ?= "C Toolchain Demo 8"
    #Add shared library names to the L varible, for instance:
    # L := graphx fileioc keypadc
    L := 
    #These directories specify where source and output should go
    SRCDIR := src
    OBJDIR := obj
    BINDIR := bin
    GFXDIR := src/gfx
    #This changes the location of compiled output (Advanced)
    BSSHEAP_LOW := D031F6
    STACK_HIGH := D1A87E
    INIT_LOC := D1A87F
    #Use the (slower) OS embedded functions (Advanced)
    include C:\Users\victo_000\CEdev\bin\main_makefile

    (C'est un code généré automatiquement)

    Et voici le résultat cmd:

    make -f \CEdev\bin\main_makefile \CEdev\examples\demo_9\makefile
    make: Nothing to be done for `\CEdev\examples\demo_9\makefile'.

    Merci d'avance :) 

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    "Nothing to be done" avec l'outils make

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