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problem python search engine

    16 septembre 2020 à 0:27:45

    hi,i need help, I want to create a python search engine that will search for clients' names (from a sqlite3 database and display them on the Treeview object),search automatically without clicking on search Button (i.e. in real time).
    The code below allows a good search but the problem is that it doesn't take into account the last letter typed.
    if I write in the search field 'Nam' it executes the search for 'Na' just
    if I write in the search field 'Name' it performs the search for 'Nam' just (i.e. either press enter or a key so that it performs the search)

    def SearchByName(event):
        for x in Tree.get_children():
        Name = entrySearchByName.get()
        conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
        cur = conn.cursor()
        SQL = "SELECT*FROM customers where Name LIKE ?"
        Wc_Name = "%{}%".format(Name)
        select = cur.execute(SQL, (Wc_Name,))
        select =list(select)
        for row in select:
            Tree.insert('', END, values = row)

    lbSearchByName = Label(root, text="Search By Name :", font=("Times New Roman",18)), y=2)
    entrySearchByName = Entry(root), y=7, width=250, height=25)
    entrySearchByName.bind("<Key>", SearchByName)
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    problem python search engine

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