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[Python+matplotlib] Autoscale axes

    8 novembre 2011 à 9:21:43

    Bonjour à tous. J'éssaye d'écrire un programme pouvant afficher en live l'évolution d'une variable (chez moi la tension lue par un appareil de mesure). J'y arrive à merveille sauf que je n'arrive pas à faire évoluer dynamiquement la taille de la fenêtre afin de voir tout mon graphe.

    La partie utilisant les appareils de mesure "get_cpu_usage" peut être remplacé par n'importe quel vecteur, aléatoire par exemple.

    Même en changeant avec dans la barre du graphe et en mettant tout en autoscale mon graphe "sort de la fenêtre".

    N'hésitez pas à faire des commentaires annexes sur le code. Je suis débutant!

    Merci d'avance

    Voici mon code:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from visa import *
    from pylab import *
    # for command-line arguments
    import sys
    # Python Qt4 bindings for GUI objects
    from PyQt4 import QtGui
    # Numpy functions for image creation
    import numpy as np
    # Matplotlib Figure object
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    # import the Qt4Agg FigureCanvas object, that binds Figure to
    # Qt4Agg backend. It also inherits from QWidget
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
    # import the NavigationToolbar Qt4Agg widget
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar
    class CPUMonitor(FigureCanvas):
        """Matplotlib Figure widget to display CPU utilization"""
        def __init__(self,parent):
    ##         # save the current CPU information (used by updating algorithm)
    ##         self.before = self.prepare_cpu_usage()
            # first image setup
            self.fig = Figure()
   = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
            # initialization of the canvas
            FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig)
            # set specific limits for X and Y axes
  , 1000)
    #, 0.0025)
            # and disable figure-wide autoscale
            # generates first "empty" plots
            self.user = []
            self.l_user, =[], self.user, label='Voltage')
            # add legend to plot
            # force a redraw of the Figure
            # initialize the iteration counter
            self.cnt = 0
            # call the update method (to speed-up visualization)
            # start the timer, to trigger an event every second (= 1000 millisecs)
            self.timer = self.startTimer(100)
    ##     def prepare_cpu_usage(self):
    ##         """helper function to return CPU usage info"""
    ##         # get the CPU times using psutil module
    ##         t = p.cpu_times()
    ##         # return only the values we're interested in
    ##         return [t.user, t.nice, t.system, t.idle]
        def get_cpu_usage(self):
            my_instrument = instrument("GPIB0::24", term_chars = CR)
            my_instrument.write("PRESET NORM")
            my_instrument.write("DCV ")
            my_instrument.write("TRIG AUTO")
            mesure = my_instrument.read_values()
            fichier = open("fichier.dat", "a")
            return [mesure]
        def timerEvent(self, evt):
            """Custom timerEvent code, called upon timer event receive"""
    ##         # get the cpu percentage usage
            result = self.get_cpu_usage()
            # append new data to the datasets
            # update lines data using the lists with new data
            self.l_user.set_data(range(len(self.user)), self.user)
            # force a redraw of the Figure
    class ApplicationWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
        """Example main window"""
        def __init__(self):
            # initialization of Qt MainWindow widget
            # set window title
            self.setWindowTitle("Matplotlib Figure in a Qt4 Window With NavigationToolbar")
            # instantiate a widget, it will be the main one
            self.main_widget = QtGui.QWidget(self)
            # create a vertical box layout widget
            vbl = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.main_widget)
            # instantiate our Matplotlib canvas widget
            qmc = CPUMonitor(self.main_widget)
            # instantiate the navigation toolbar
            ntb = NavigationToolbar(qmc, self.main_widget)
            # pack these widget into the vertical box
            # set the focus on the main widget
            # set the central widget of MainWindow to main_widget
    # create the GUI application
    qApp = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    # instantiate the ApplicationWindow widget
    aw = ApplicationWindow()
    # show the widget
    # start the Qt main loop execution, exiting from this script
    # with the same return code of Qt application
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    [Python+matplotlib] Autoscale axes

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