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Récuperer sélection d'une listbox Tkinter?

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    12 février 2013 à 18:56:53

    Bonjour à tous!

    J'aimerais présenter un petit programme python en rapport avec la chimie. 

    J'ai trouvé quelques fonctionnalités intéressantes pour sélectionner différents éléments d'une listbox Tkinter, et que python les recopie dans une petite fenêtre Entry.

    J'avais trouvé cette magnifique interface sur internet, je pense l'avoir comprise, j'essaie un peu de la remanier.

    # load a Tkinter listbox with data lines from a file,
    # sort data lines, select a data line, display the data line,
    # edit the data line, update listbox with the edited data line
    # add/delete a data line, save the updated listbox to a data file
    # used a more modern import to give Tkinter items a namespace
    # tested with Python24       vegaseat       16nov2006
    import Tkinter as tk  # gives tk namespace
    def add_item():
        add the text in the Entry widget to the end of the listbox
        listbox1.insert(tk.END, enter1.get())
    def delete_item():
        delete a selected line from the listbox
            # get selected line index
            index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
        except IndexError:
    def get_list(event):
        function to read the listbox selection
        and put the result in an entry widget
        # get selected line index
        index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
        # get the line's text
        seltext = listbox1.get(index)
        # delete previous text in enter1
        enter1.delete(0, 50)
        # now display the selected text
        enter1.insert(0, seltext)
    def set_list(event):
        insert an edited line from the entry widget
        back into the listbox
            index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
            # delete old listbox line
        except IndexError:
            index = tk.END
        # insert edited item back into listbox1 at index
        listbox1.insert(index, enter1.get())
    def sort_list():
        function to sort listbox items case insensitive
        temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
        # delete contents of present listbox
        listbox1.delete(0, tk.END)
        # load listbox with sorted data
        for item in temp_list:
            listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
    def save_list():
        save the current listbox contents to a file
        # get a list of listbox lines
        temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
        # add a trailing newline char to each line
        temp_list = [chem + '\n' for chem in temp_list]
        # give the file a different name
        fout = open("chem_data2.txt", "w")
    # create the sample data file
    str1 = """ethyl alcohol
    ethyl hydroxide
    methyl hydroxymethane
    ethoxy hydride
    fout = open("chem_data.txt", "w")
    # read the data file into a list
    fin = open("chem_data.txt", "r")
    chem_list = fin.readlines()
    # strip the trailing newline char
    chem_list = [chem.rstrip() for chem in chem_list]
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Listbox Operations")
    # create the listbox (note that size is in characters)
    listbox1 = tk.Listbox(root, width=50, height=6)
    listbox1.grid(row=0, column=0)
    # create a vertical scrollbar to the right of the listbox
    yscroll = tk.Scrollbar(command=listbox1.yview, orient=tk.VERTICAL)
    yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.S)
    # use entry widget to display/edit selection
    enter1 = tk.Entry(root, width=50, bg='yellow')
    enter1.insert(0, 'Click on an item in the listbox')
    enter1.grid(row=1, column=0)
    # pressing the return key will update edited line
    enter1.bind('<Return>', set_list)
    # or double click left mouse button to update line
    enter1.bind('<Double-1>', set_list)
    # button to sort listbox
    button1 = tk.Button(root, text='Sort the listbox    ', command=sort_list)
    button1.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
    # button to save the listbox's data lines to a file
    button2 = tk.Button(root, text='Save lines to file', command=save_list)
    button2.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
    # button to add a line to the listbox
    button3 = tk.Button(root, text='Add entry text to listbox', command=add_item)
    button3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    # button to delete a line from listbox
    button4 = tk.Button(root, text='Delete selected line     ', command=delete_item)
    button4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    # load the listbox with data
    for item in chem_list:
        listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
    # left mouse click on a list item to display selection
    listbox1.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', get_list)

    J'essaie de trouver un moyen que python me retourne la sélection (Par exemple: alcoolselect= schnaps), mais je ne trouve pas.

    Lorsque j'essaie, il me retourne (), ou bien 33360152get_list (Lorsque j'utilise la méthode get).

    Et lorsque je veux utiliser listbox1.get(ACTIVE), il me dit que ACTIVE n'existe pas.

    Comment retourner la sélection de l'utilisateur, pour ensuite l'utiliser dans d'autres fonctionnalités?

    Merci de vos réponses ;)

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      14 février 2013 à 8:52:06

      salut Ariae

      je ne sais pas si c'est ce que tu recherches mais je te propose la solution suivante :

      j'ai fait une fonction :

      def printer(event):

      et dans ton script, tu ajoutes un binding sur la listbox1 (ligne 111 dans le script entier):

      listbox1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", printer) 

      ce qui donne :

      # load a Tkinter listbox with data lines from a file,
      # sort data lines, select a data line, display the data line,
      # edit the data line, update listbox with the edited data line
      # add/delete a data line, save the updated listbox to a data file
      # used a more modern import to give Tkinter items a namespace
      # tested with Python24       vegaseat       16nov2006
      import tkinter as tk  # gives tk namespace
      def add_item():
          add the text in the Entry widget to the end of the listbox
          listbox1.insert(tk.END, enter1.get())
      def delete_item():
          delete a selected line from the listbox
              # get selected line index
              index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
          except IndexError:
      def get_list(event):
          function to read the listbox selection
          and put the result in an entry widget
          # get selected line index
          index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
          # get the line's text
          seltext = listbox1.get(index)
          # delete previous text in enter1
          enter1.delete(0, 50)
          # now display the selected text
          enter1.insert(0, seltext)
      def set_list(event):
          insert an edited line from the entry widget
          back into the listbox
              index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
              # delete old listbox line
          except IndexError:
              index = tk.END
          # insert edited item back into listbox1 at index
          listbox1.insert(index, enter1.get())
      def sort_list():
          function to sort listbox items case insensitive
          temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
          # delete contents of present listbox
          listbox1.delete(0, tk.END)
          # load listbox with sorted data
          for item in temp_list:
              listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
      def save_list():
          save the current listbox contents to a file
          # get a list of listbox lines
          temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
          # add a trailing newline char to each line
          temp_list = [chem + '\n' for chem in temp_list]
          # give the file a different name
          fout = open("chem_data2.txt", "w")
      def printer(event):
      # create the sample data file
      str1 = """ethyl alcohol
      ethyl hydroxide
      methyl hydroxymethane
      ethoxy hydride
      fout = open("chem_data.txt", "w")
      # read the data file into a list
      fin = open("chem_data.txt", "r")
      chem_list = fin.readlines()
      # strip the trailing newline char
      chem_list = [chem.rstrip() for chem in chem_list]
      root = tk.Tk()
      root.title("Listbox Operations")
      # create the listbox (note that size is in characters)
      listbox1 = tk.Listbox(root, width=50, height=6)
      listbox1.grid(row=0, column=0)
      # create a vertical scrollbar to the right of the listbox
      yscroll = tk.Scrollbar(command=listbox1.yview, orient=tk.VERTICAL)
      yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.S)
      listbox1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", printer)
      # use entry widget to display/edit selection
      enter1 = tk.Entry(root, width=50, bg='yellow')
      enter1.insert(0, 'Click on an item in the listbox')
      enter1.grid(row=1, column=0)
      # pressing the return key will update edited line
      enter1.bind('<Return>', set_list)
      # or double click left mouse button to update line
      enter1.bind('<Double-1>', set_list)
      # button to sort listbox
      button1 = tk.Button(root, text='Sort the listbox    ', command=sort_list)
      button1.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
      # button to save the listbox's data lines to a file
      button2 = tk.Button(root, text='Save lines to file', command=save_list)
      button2.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
      # button to add a line to the listbox
      button3 = tk.Button(root, text='Add entry text to listbox', command=add_item)
      button3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
      # button to delete a line from listbox
      button4 = tk.Button(root, text='Delete selected line     ', command=delete_item)
      button4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
      # load the listbox with data
      for item in chem_list:
          listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
      # left mouse click on a list item to display selection
      listbox1.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', get_list)

      Edité par micmic 14 février 2013 à 8:54:25

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        14 février 2013 à 10:14:02

        Comme le dis micmic, la solution pour récupérer la valeur d'un index d'une listbox est la méthode get() couplée avec la méthode curselection().

        Pour insérer ce résultat ci-dessus dans un entry, il suffit d'utiliser sa méthode insert().

        Voir la doc listbox et insert

        Bonne continuation...

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          14 février 2013 à 17:29:38

          Merci pour vos réponses, elle m'ont été très utiles!
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          Récuperer sélection d'une listbox Tkinter?

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