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tunnel RDP

    11 mars 2024 à 16:17:36

    Bonjour a tous

    J'aimerais creer un tunnel/proxy rdp pour me permettre de me connecter a un windows server avec mstsc. Le but est de taper dans mstsc et que le tunnel/proxy fasse la redirection. J'ai déjà codé un tunnel ssh le tunnel rdp ne fonctionne pas

    using Renci.SshNet;
    class SshTunnel : Tunnel
        SshClient client;
        public SshTunnel(SshTarget sshTarget) : base(sshTarget)
            target = sshTarget;
        public SshTunnel(string remoteHost, uint remotePort, string sshUsername, string sshPassword)
            target = new SshTarget(remoteHost, remotePort, sshUsername, sshPassword);
        public void start()
            client = new SshClient(target.remoteHost, (int)target.remotePort, target.sshUsername, target.sshPassword);
            Console.WriteLine("SSH connection established.");
            var portForwarded = new ForwardedPortLocal(localHost, localPort, target.remoteHost, target.remotePort);
        public void sendCommand(string cmd)
            using (var sshCmd = client.CreateCommand(cmd))
                var result = sshCmd.Execute();
                Console.WriteLine($"Command Result:\n{result}");
        public void closeTunnel()
            if (client.IsConnected)
            Console.WriteLine("end tunnel");
            if (client.IsConnected)
            Console.WriteLine("end tunnel");
    class Target
        public string remoteHost { get; }
        public uint remotePort { get; }
        public string sshUsername { get; }
        public string sshPassword { get; }
        public Target(String remoteHost, uint remotePort, string sshUsername, string sshPassword)
            this.remoteHost = remoteHost;
            this.remotePort = remotePort;
            this.sshUsername = sshUsername;
            this.sshPassword = sshPassword;
    class Program
        static void Main()
            SshTarget st = new SshTarget("", 3389, "administrateur", "pass");
            SshTunnel tunnel = new SshTunnel(st);
            Console.WriteLine("Press 'Q' to quit.");
            while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Q)
                // Keep the program running until 'Q' is pressed

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    tunnel RDP

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