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Utiliser docker avec fastapi et redis

    13 octobre 2023 à 19:56:45

    Bonjour, j'aimerais utiliser docker avec fasapi et redis. Pour ce faire, j'ai déjà, j'ai déjà coder mon API en Python et installé docker ainsi que docker-compose. Mais après, je suis perdu !

    Voici mon code :

    from fastapi import FastAPI
    from redis import StrictRedis
    app = FastAPI()
    #Products are identified by name, so there cannot be two products with the same
    #name !
    redis_data = StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)
    products = {}
    for key in redis_data.scan_iter():
        products[key.decode("utf-8")] = eval(redis_data.get(key))
    async def get_product_information(product_name: str=""):
        product is the name of the product about which we want information (quantity
        and price).
        Returns a dictionary indicating the price and the quantity disponible of the
        If product is an empty string, then returns the dictionary containing
        information for every referenced product.
        If the product in not referenced, then returns a message error.
        if product_name == "":
            return products
        if product_name in products.keys():
            return products[product_name]
        return "Error : None of the referenced products has the specified name""/")
    async def add_product(product: dict):
        Adds a product to the database. The product is representend by a dictionary
        with tree items :
            one indicating the name (key : "name", value : the product's name) ;
            one indicating the price (key : "price", value the price) ;
            one indicating the quantity (key : "quantity", value : the quantity).
        product = product.copy()
        for feature in ("name", "quantity", "price"):
            if not feature in product.keys():
                return f"Error : The product should have a {feature}."
        product_name = product.pop("name")
        products[product_name] = product
        redis_data.set(product_name.encode("utf-8"), str(product).encode("utf-8"))
        return "The product has been added."
    async def remove_product(product_name: str):
        Removes the product product from the database.
        if product_name in products.keys():
            del products[product_name]
            return "The product has been removed."
        return "Error : None of the referenced products has the specified name."

    Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plaît ?

    Merci par avance,

    Bonne soirée !

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    Utiliser docker avec fastapi et redis

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