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Win SRV 2016 : join a laptop to Domain usin ISP

    20 janvier 2022 à 18:27:26

    hello, everyone,

    I have a Windows Server 2016 on which is setup as a Domain Controller. I have AD, DNS and DHCP setup on the same server. 

    in this server, I have only one ethernet carte connecter in the same Dlink with all other clients PCs and ISP modem for the internet connection.

    when I first my AD/DNS/DHCP and try to join one of my PCs through ethernet connection everything worked fine, but when I tried to join a laptop(wireless connection) obviously the lap will take his IPadd from the DHCP of my ISP modem.

    so my question is there any possibility to make this lap to join the Domaine without configuring a new locale AP.

    need help.

    thank :)  

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    Win SRV 2016 : join a laptop to Domain usin ISP

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