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Mis à jour le 29/01/2024

Get some practice analyzing a project workflow

It's your turn

You're about to join the Black Mirror development team. It's your first day! You're going to be a remote team member, which means you're not based in the same town as the other developers, but you're still just as much a part of the team! In order to welcome you, a team member has organized a Skye session with you to present their work methods.

Here's the Skype session (imagine you're in the black rectangle up top!):

You'll create a document identifying the specific workflow the team is using and detailing all the agile practices being used. You'll also explain which parts of their workflow don't actually fit agile principles and what, in your opinion, should be changed in order to make the workflow more Agile.

Check your work

Check that the following elements are present:

  • Specific Agile practices clearly identified.

  • Recommendations are described which align with Agile principles.

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite