• 8 heures
  • Difficile

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J'ai tout compris !

Mis à jour le 27/04/2023

Review what you've learned!

And now the course is almost complete! 🙂

You might not realize it, but you just took a big step forward in developing for Android! You saw learned a great deal of fairly advanced concepts, so take the time to absorb them. You saw how to store data in different storage spaces on Android within a text file, and how to expose it publicly in a secure manner. You also learned how to store structured data using a SQLite database, using the library Room. Finally, we looked into how to improve the quality of Android apps with architecture components and continuous integration. In fact, you have all the knowledge you need to be able to: 

All you've got to do is test your skills in the activity! As always, remember to practice, practice, and practice some more, so that coding becomes as natural as breathing. See you soon in another course! 😁

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite