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Mis à jour le 30/08/2022

Key Takeaways From This Course

Key Takeaways From This Course

Well done—you’ve reached the end of the course! You’ve seen how to deal with various bugs, and I hope you now feel differently about them and your ability to cope with them. So, what are the key takeaways from all this?

Main Concepts From the Course

As I said in the first chapter, bugs are your friends. They help you better understand the language, framework, and technology you’re working with as long as you remember the three types of bugs and have a methodology to resolve them. And remember—learning to program will help you get a job, but learning to debug will help you keep it!

You also learned how important it is to listen to what Python tells you by reading the stack traces generated by exceptions and using debugging tools such as modules and IDEs

Finally, we looked at the concept of software craftsmanship. Debugging is a skill requiring constant upkeep throughout a programmer’s career—and that’s the aim of software craftsmanship! With this concept, you’ll constantly improve, create better quality projects, and enjoy programming more.

Next Steps!

So what’s next? I would recommend taking a more in-depth look at testing—remember, “If it’s not tested, it doesn’t work!” The course Test Your Python Project will help you with this.

I hope you enjoyed taking this course as much as I enjoyed creating it! 😉 Feel free to return to it whenever you need a refresher. And if you happen to come across a bug, remember to stay calm, take a deep breath, apply everything you’ve learned, and it will all work out fine!

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite