Back-end Developer: Java

Learn software development using Java, one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world.

Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
800 heures supervisées

Une formation flexible 100% en ligne

Démarrez à tout moment votre nouvelle carrière ! Disponible à temps partiel ? Pas de problème, étudiez à votre rythme.

Des projets professionnalisants

Apprenez les compétences clés de votre futur métier en validant 9 projets tirés de cas concrets d’entreprise.

Un accompagnement personnalisé

Bénéficiez de sessions de mentorat avec un expert du métier.

Certification OpenClassrooms

Décrochez une certification professionnelle et bénéficiez de notre garantie embauché ou remboursé.*
DéveloppementBack-end Developer: Java
Certification OpenClassrooms
Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
800 heures supervisées

Here at OpenClassrooms, we pinpoint the key skills needed for the most in-demand jobs and develop courses and diplomas to train our students in those areas. That’s why we've developed this one-year bachelor's-level diploma in web development, which you can complete entirely online with the help of a dedicated mentor. 

What will I do as a Java developer?

A Java developer is a back-end developer who specializes in using the Java programming language to build applications. As Java is an essential part of many types of applications, Java developers are highly sought after in a wide variety of sectors. 

A Java developer may be in charge of: 

  • developing and improving an application software 
  • designing technical architecture 
  • implementing software tests and debugging code
  • producing the design schema of a database
  • writing technical and functional documentation 
  • analyzing customer needs
  • selecting and advocating for suitable technical solutions
  • keeping up with changes in technologies

How much will I earn?

Back-end web development can be a lucrative career with many prospects opening up as you continue to rack up valuable experience. Here is what you might expect to earn in your career as a Java developer:

United States

Beginner: $50,000 - $80,000

2-5 years: $70,000 - $90,000

5+ years: $100,000 +

United Kingdom

Beginner: £30,000 - £40,000 

2-5 years: £40,000 - £50,000

5+ years: £50,000 + 

What are my job prospects?

This path can prepare you for the following jobs:

  • Java developer
  • Back-end developer

Java is also one of the languages used to program mobile Android applications.

After a few years of experience, a developer can advance to a position of lead developer, software designer / architect, or technical director / tech lead.

Who is eligible to enroll?

To be eligible to earn this path's diploma, candidates must demonstrate proof of one of the following prerequisites:

  • an associate's degree, or equivalent, in computer science, web development, or software development
  • or a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent, and at least 2 years of professional experience in IT, web development, or software development

All other candidates will need to go through a specific admissions process. These candidates must have:

  • Language: You will need to provide a certificate not older than 2 years to demonstrate a minimum level of English B2.

    Certificates accepted:

    • English Diploma from a secondary institution (private or public) or an accredited higher learning institution
    • Linguaskill minimum score: 160
    • BULATS minimum score: 60
    • TOEIC minimum score: 785
    • IELTS minimum score: 6.5
    • TOEFL iBT minimum score: 88
    • Cambridge FCE / CAE / BEC HIGHER / BEC VANTAGE minimum score or grade: B or 160
    • Certificate from a language center demonstrating a minimum level of B2 (including the number of training hours completed and the company signature or stamp)

    Don’t have one of these certificates? Find out where to take an exam.

  • Equipment: Candidates must also have access to a computer (PC or Mac), headphones, a microphone, a webcam, and a good internet connection for mentoring sessions (3.2 Mbps upload and 1.8 Mbps for download). In addition, to master the skills on this path, you will need to:
    • Have at least 8 GB of RAM (16 GB is more comfortable) and 100 GB of storage space available on your computer.
    • Have administrator rights to your computer in order to install required programs.

What will I learn how to do?

In this path, you'll learn how to:

  • Jump start your studies by defining a personal learning strategy.
  • Program with the Java programming language.
  • Use programming tools like an IDE, Git & GitHub and frameworks like Spring Boot.
  • Ensure the basic security of a web application.
  • Interpret user requirements and propose a technical solution.
  • Use domain driven design to create UML diagrams.
  • Design database schemas and connect to a database. 
  • Test your applications using test driven development.
  • Practice agile web development. 

How will I learn at OpenClassrooms?

Our learning method is unique and revolves around two elements: professional projects and dedicated mentoring sessions.

At OpenClassrooms, learning is project-driven because that’s the fastest way to become proficient. Projects offer hands-on experience so you can hit the ground running when you start your new job.  

Want to see an example of a project? Read our blog post here.

During your path, you will be assigned a mentor who will offer one-to-one support via weekly video conference sessions. This mentor will offer guidance on your projects, help define objectives and guide you until you reach them. Our mentors are dedicated professionals who are experts in their field and have experience in sharing their know-how with our students.

At the end of this training, you will be delivered the Java Back-end Developer OpenClassrooms certification.

Votre diplôme

  • OpenClassrooms est un établissement privé d’enseignement à distance déclaré au rectorat de l’Académie de Paris.
  • À l’issue de votre formation, sous réserve de validation de vos compétences, vous obtiendrez le diplôme d’établissement OpenClassrooms « Back-end Developer: Java ».

Garantie embauché ou remboursé

  • Vous trouvez un emploi dans les 6 mois après la date de validation du dernier projet de votre parcours.
  • Autrement, nous vous remboursons vos frais de scolarité.*
    Voir les détails
DéveloppementBack-end Developer: Java
Certification OpenClassrooms
Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
800 heures supervisées

Une pédagogie basée sur la pratique

  • Obtenez des compétences clés en validant des projets professionnalisants.
  • Progressez à l'aide d'un expert du métier.
  • Gagnez un véritable savoir-faire ainsi qu’un portfolio pour le démontrer.

Les projets et compétences en détail

projet 1

Set Yourself Up For Success as a Java Back-end Developer

Create a learning plan to acquire the skills you need as a Java Developer. Choose tools to stay up-to-date with innovations in your field and develop your first website with HTML and CSS!
20 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Set up a system for staying up to date with technology
  • Prepare for your training
projet 2

Debug a Java application

You've been hired to finish an application another developer has started, and it's up to you to make sure that it gets up and running correctly! Get ready to make your mark and fix your first Java application!
65 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Build a collaborative code project
  • Program using Java fundamentals
projet 3

Design an Application to Fit Your Client's Needs

Analyze your client's needs, develop a domain model using a domain-driven design approach, create user stories, and design wireframes to get your client on board.
65 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • List functionalities requested by the client
  • Analyze a client's requirements
  • Select a suitable technical solution
  • Write detailed specifications
projet 4

Fix and Update a Java Application Using Best Testing Practices

You’re taking over work on an unfinished application and a number of tests are failing. Your mission is to fix the application and add a missing functionality so that your client leaves happy!
70 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Implement unit tests
  • Fix an application according to a test execution report
  • Produce a test execution report
  • Implement integration tests
projet 5

Create Your First Java Web Application From Scratch!

Implement an application to help first responders receive alerts using Spring Boot, a popular Java framework. You'll use quality code practices such as organizing your code with MVC, applying the SOLID principles, and respecting the Testing Pyramid!
120 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Respect industry standard coding practices
  • Justify the application design & programming languages selected
  • Develop a Spring Boot application
projet 6

Work with Databases to Create a Secure Web Application

You're working on a money transfer app, which means you need to access and store data securely in a database. You'll design and implement your database schema in a relational database.
130 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Implement a data schema in a database
  • Design the technical architecture of an application
  • Produce a database design schema
projet 7

Complete Your Java Back-End to Make Your Application More Secure

Modernize the backend of a financial application with a REST API. Make sure it's tested and ready for deployment!
100 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Implement REST APIs using best practices
projet 8

Scale Up Your App With Distributed Systems

A travel agency has asked you to adapt its monolithic application so that it can evolve more easily. Now it's up to you to make a more efficient, decoupled web application!
100 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Fix faults reported by the customer on an application
  • Complete a Unit and Integration test suite to account for changes
  • Improve an application as per a customer request
  • Produce technical and functional documentation for the application
  • Configure a deployment environment to manage the lifecycle of an application
projet 9

Develop a Complete Application For Your Client Using Agile Techniques

Build a medical app for disease risk screenings. Structure your app using a microservice and a NoSQL database. Organize your time into sprints, following Agile project management principles.
130 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Create a microservice for an application
  • Create a segmented REST API
  • Implement Agile methodology to manage your code project
  • Use NoSQL databases

Un accompagnement individuel & privilégié

  • Bénéficiez de sessions individuelles avec un mentor expert du métier.
  • Progressez rapidement dans vos projets grâce à son excellence dans le partage de son savoir-faire.

La communauté OpenClassrooms

  • Comptez sur une communauté soudée d’étudiants prête à vous aider 24h/24, 7j/7.
  • Partagez vos questions et vos doutes avec des centaines d'étudiants, de mentors et de diplômés sur un réseau social privé.

Comment se déroule un parcours OpenClassrooms ?

Du choix de leur formation au premier jour de leur nouvelle carrière, nos étudiants racontent leur expérience et l'accompagnement qu'ils ont reçu, étape par étape.

Financez votre parcours

L’abonnement : une formule flexible et à la carte

Pour tous

Les avantages
  • Date de début et rythme d’études flexibles

  • Sans engagement : arrêtez à tout moment

  • Plus vite vous terminez, moins le coût final est élevé

  • Garantie embauché ou remboursé*

480 € par mois

pour une durée estimée de 12 mois soit 5 760 €

Démarrer mon inscription

Cette formation nécessite un investissement en temps estimé à 1600 heures dont 800 heures supervisées.

La durée totale de la formation se compose de :

  • 800 heures de formation supervisée avec des projets, encadrés par des mentors
  • 800 heures de formation guidée avec des cours et des ressources pédagogiques

La période de formation peut être rallongée en cas de formation à temps partiel.
La durée est estimée et dépend de votre niveau d'entrée en formation, de votre disponibilité, du temps alloué par semaine, de votre capacité et rythme d'apprentissage.

Ce parcours vous intéresse pour votre entreprise ?

Obtenir un devis ou une démo

* Sous réserve des conditions énoncées dans les Conditions Générales de Services

Formation mise à jour le 28 oct. 2024