Web Developer

Jumpstart your career in web development by learning to build responsive, dynamic websites.

Période de formation
6 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
402 heures supervisées

Une formation flexible 100% en ligne

Démarrez à tout moment votre nouvelle carrière ! Disponible à temps partiel ? Pas de problème, étudiez à votre rythme.

Des projets professionnalisants

Apprenez les compétences clés de votre futur métier en validant 8 projets tirés de cas concrets d’entreprise.

Un accompagnement personnalisé

Bénéficiez de sessions de mentorat avec un expert du métier.

Diplôme de niveau 5 (bac +2)

Décrochez une certification professionnelle « Développeur Informatique».
DéveloppementWeb Developer
Diplôme de niveau 5 (bac +2)
Période de formation
6 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
402 heures supervisées

Become a Web Developer: create and maintain dynamic websites

At OpenClassrooms, we pinpoint the key skills needed for the most in-demand jobs and develop courses and diplomas to train our students in those areas.

That’s why we've developed this six-month associate's-level diploma in web development, which you can complete entirely online with the help of a dedicated mentor. 

What will I do as a Web Developer?

Web developers are a fundamental part of any tech team.

A Web Developer’s role includes:

  1. Building a responsive and dynamic website that adapts to all types of screen by integrating elements from the graphic mock-ups (front-end development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React)
  2. Create APIs and databases to develop complete, dynamic sites and ensure that they run smoothly on the server side (back-end development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB).
  3. Optimising the performance and maintenance of existing websites to ensure that they function optimally and are visible on search engines (SEO).
  4. Managing a web project from A to Z: from planning the project to presenting the solution to the customer, including drawing up the technical specifications.

How much will I earn?

Web development can be a lucrative career with many prospects opening up as you continue to rack up valuable experience.

Here is what you can expect to earn in your career as an entry-level web developer in 2024.

United States

  • Entry-level web developers: approximately $45,000 - $95,000,
    • with an average salary around $64,566.

United Kingdom

  • Entry-level web developers: £20,000 - £41,000,
    • with an average salary of approximately £28,088.
      Total compensation, including bonuses and profit sharing, can range from £20,000 to £45,000​

What are my job prospects?

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 19,000 new job positions in web development will be created between 2022-2032, with a 16% growth rate.

OpenClassrooms' Web Developer Path can prepare you for the following jobs:

  • Junior web developer (5000+ jobs listed in U.S. + U.K. on Indeed, Glassdoor, and Reed)
  • Web developer
  • Web integrator
  • Webmaster
  • Web designer
  • E-commerce web developer

Who is eligible to enroll?

To be eligible to earn this path's diploma, candidates must demonstrate proof of one of the following prerequisites:

  • a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent
  • or at least 12 months of professional experience in a digital field
  • or a completed placement test consisting of:
  • or a completed version of our project Turn Mock-ups Into a Web Page with HTML & CSS when coming from another OpenClassrooms path

For all candidates, the admissions process starts with a form to validate the aforementioned prerequisites, as well as the alignment between the candidate's professional goals and this path. Any necessary documents for the candidate's application will be collected via this form. If necessary, an individual interview with the candidate will also be organized.


You will need to provide a certificate not older than 2 years to demonstrate a minimum level of English B2.

Certificates accepted:

  • English Diploma from a secondary institution (private or public) or an accredited higher learning institution ;
  • Linguaskill minimum score: 160 ;
  • BULATS minimum score: 60 ;
  • TOEIC minimum score: 785 ;
  • IELTS minimum score: 6.5 ;
  • TOEFL iBT minimum score: 88 ;
  • Cambridge FCE / CAE / BEC HIGHER / BEC VANTAGE minimum score or grade: B or 160 ;
  • Certificate from a language center demonstrating a minimum level of B2 (including the number of training hours completed and the company signature or stamp).


Access to a computer (PC or Mac), headphones, a webcam, and a good internet access (3.2 Mbps upload and 1.8 Mbps for download). You can use an Internet speed test to find out like High Speed Internet. Also, have administrator rights to your computer in order to install required programs.

How will I learn at OpenClassrooms?

Our learning method is unique and revolves around two elements: professional projects and dedicated mentoring sessions.

At OpenClassrooms, learning is project-driven because that’s the fastest way to become proficient. Projects offer hands-on experience so you can hit the ground running when you start your new job.  

The Web Developer Path has 8 projects that you’ll need to complete one at a time.You’ll receive a detailed brief with the context, customer requirements, and additional details. Then it’s up to you to go and make it real! To do this, you’ll have to be creative, coming up with innovative solutions to the questions at hand.

During your path, you will be assigned a mentor who will offer one-to-one support via weekly video conference sessions. This mentor will offer guidance on your projects, help define objectives and guide you until you reach them. Our mentors are dedicated professionals who are experts in their field and have experience in sharing their know-how with our students.


University of Massachusetts Global Partnership 

Logo of UMass Global

University of Massachusetts Global helps individuals continue their education for career growth by articulating OpenClassrooms Web Developer training towards university credit and applying it to degree completion.

The UMass Global MyPath™ self-paced CBE Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree or the traditional online Bachelor of Science Computing Technology degree are programs that align with your Web Developer training.  Each program provides you with employer-designated knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in IT careers. Earn industry-recognized certifications along with degrees. Interested in business or other disciplines? Credit can also be used toward several other UMass Global programs.

UMass Global understands going back to school is not easy and recognizes every student comes to us with unique needs, providing you with the flexibility, affordability, and accessibility needed for successful education that fits your lifestyle. UMass Global is a nonprofit affiliate of the University of Massachusetts and is a fully accredited, nonprofit university designed for the busy adult. Offering over 90 programs and degrees in three learning modalities allows you to apply what you learn in courses in real-time, grow in your position, and gain the skills needed to take your career to the next level. With support from application to graduation, UMass Global is proud to have one of the highest graduation rates of any university of its kind.
Through OpenClassrooms and UMass Global’s partnership, wraparound support, and mentoring, individuals across the globe can make their career advancement dreams a reality.

Votre diplôme

  • OpenClassrooms est un établissement privé d’enseignement à distance déclaré au rectorat de l’Académie de Paris.
  • À l’issue de votre formation, sous réserve de validation de vos compétences par un jury, vous pourrez obtenir la certification professionnelle « Développeur Informatique » enregistrée au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles, de niveau 5 (bac +2) sur les cadres français et européens des certifications (European Qualifications Framework). Cette validation implique d'attester des pré-requis nécessaires et sous réserve que vous terminiez votre parcours dans un délai de 3 ans maximum à compter de votre premier jour de formation (durées ajustées pour les personnes en situation de handicap ou justifiant de besoins spécifiques).
  • Si vous envisagez une poursuite d’études, contactez au préalable l’université ou l’école concernée pour connaître la procédure d’équivalence.
DéveloppementWeb Developer
Diplôme de niveau 5 (bac +2)
Période de formation
6 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
402 heures supervisées

Une pédagogie basée sur la pratique

  • Obtenez des compétences clés en validant des projets professionnalisants.
  • Progressez à l'aide d'un expert du métier.
  • Gagnez un véritable savoir-faire ainsi qu’un portfolio pour le démontrer.

Les projets et compétences en détail

projet 1

Start Your Web Developer Training Program

Discover your projects and plan your training.
22 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Prepare for your training
projet 2

Turn Mock-ups Into a Web Page with HTML & CSS

Get started with HTML & CSS by implementing a webpage for Booki, a travel booking platform.
80 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Implement a responsive interface using HTML and CSS
  • Include HTML and CSS content to match a mockup
  • Install a frontend development environment
  • Version your project using Git and GitHub
projet 3

Create a Dynamic Web Page With JavaScript

Help your team finalize an interior designer's new website by creating a dynamic site with JavaScript, communicating with an API.
60 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Handle user events with JavaScript
  • Manipulate DOM elements with JavaScript
  • Use forms to retrieve user data with JavaScript
projet 4

Debug and Optimize a Photographer's Website

Help your client to appear at the top of Google search results thanks to good SEO and accessibility practices. You will also have to debug certain anomalies in the code.
50 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Debug a website with Chrome DevTools
  • Optimize website performance
  • Write an acceptance test plan to test a website
projet 5

Create a Property Rental Web Application with React

Implement the front end of Kasa, a housing rental application. Set up components with React and application routes with React Router.
60 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Configure React Router to navigate between pages in your application
  • Create a web interface with Sass
  • Create website interface elements using React components
  • Implement CSS animations
  • Initialize an application with Create React App
projet 6

Develop the back-end of a book rating website

Create the back-end of a book rating site so that it integrates properly with the front-end. You'll be using Node.js, Express and MongoDB.
60 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Implement a logical data model in compliance with regulations
  • Implement CRUD operations
  • Store data securely
projet 7

Plan the development of your client's site

Plan each stage of the project to develop a menu creation site for restaurant owners.
40 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Break down features into tasks to prepare for development
  • Implement a technology monitoring system
  • Monitor project progress using a project management tool
  • Present the technical solution
  • Write technical specifications for a web project based on the functional requirements
projet 8

Create and publish your developer portfolio

Take stock of your skills, prepare your job search and deploy your online portfolio to give visibility to your projects.
30 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Deploy a static website online
Développeur Informatique

Un accompagnement individuel & privilégié

  • Bénéficiez de sessions individuelles avec un mentor expert du métier.
  • Progressez rapidement dans vos projets grâce à son excellence dans le partage de son savoir-faire.

La communauté OpenClassrooms

  • Comptez sur une communauté soudée d’étudiants prête à vous aider 24h/24, 7j/7.
  • Partagez vos questions et vos doutes avec des centaines d'étudiants, de mentors et de diplômés sur un réseau social privé.

Comment se déroule un parcours OpenClassrooms ?

Du choix de leur formation au premier jour de leur nouvelle carrière, nos étudiants racontent leur expérience et l'accompagnement qu'ils ont reçu, étape par étape.

Financez votre parcours

L’abonnement : une formule flexible et à la carte

Pour tous

Les avantages
  • Date de début et rythme d’études flexibles

  • Sans engagement : arrêtez à tout moment

  • Plus vite vous terminez, moins le coût final est élevé

  • Garantie embauché ou remboursé*

480 € par mois

pour une durée estimée de 6 mois soit 2 880 €

Démarrer mon inscription

Cette formation nécessite un investissement en temps estimé à 804 heures dont 402 heures supervisées.

La durée totale de la formation se compose de :

  • 402 heures de formation supervisée avec des projets, encadrés par des mentors
  • 402 heures de formation guidée avec des cours et des ressources pédagogiques

La période de formation peut être rallongée en cas de formation à temps partiel.
La durée est estimée et dépend de votre niveau d'entrée en formation, de votre disponibilité, du temps alloué par semaine, de votre capacité et rythme d'apprentissage.

Ce parcours vous intéresse pour votre entreprise ?

Obtenir un devis ou une démo

Formation mise à jour le 26 avr. 2024