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Persist Java Object Into a Relational Database Using JDBC and Hibernate
Evaluated skills
- Persist Java object into a relational database using JDBC and Hibernate
Question 1
When objects are persisted in relational databases, what is each class normally mapped to?
Question 2
Take a look at this code:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); Statement cstmt = conn.createStatement(); cstmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DeliveryVehicles (Registration varchar(10), Make varchar(20), Model varchar(20), RangeKm int);"); Statement istmt = conn.createStatement(); istmt.executeQuery("insert into DeliveryVehicles (Registration, Make, Model, RangeKm) values ('AB 12 CDE', 'Van', 'BigWhite', '300');");
If you were to create a table from this code, what would this table look like?
Table: Vehicles
Column Name -> Registration Make Model RangeKm Table: RobotShop
Column Name -> DeliveryVehicle Make Model RangeKm Row 1 -> AB 12 CDE Van BigWhite 300 Table: DeliveryVehicles
Column Name -> Registration Make Model RangeKm Row 1 -> AB 12 CDE Van BigWhite 300 Table: RobotShop
Column Name -> DeliveryVehicles Row 1 -> Registration: AB 12 CDE
Make: Van
Model: BigWhite
RangeKm: 300
Question 3
Take a look at this table:
Table: SupplierColumn Names -> Company Address Telephone Row 1 -> Unusual Systems Leighton Buzzard, UK 01525 601260 Row 2 -> OpenClassrooms Paris, France What would the code created from this table look like?
Careful, there are several correct answers.public class JdbcSupplierCrudPersister { Connection conn = null; public JdbcSupplierCrudPersister(String url) throws SQLException { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); Statement cstmt = conn.createStatement(); cstmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Suppliers (Company varchar(10), Address varchar(50), Telephone varchar(20));"); } public void createSupplier(String company, String address, String telephone) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into Suppliers (Address, Company, Telephone) values (?,?,?)"); statement.setString(1,company); statement.setString(2,address); statement.setString(3,telephone); statement.executeUpdate(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { JdbcSupplierCrudPersister persister = new JdbcSupplierCrudPersister("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); persister.createSupplier("Unusual Systems","Leighton Buzzard, UK", "01525601260"); persister.createSupplier("Open Classrooms","Paris, France", ""); } }
public class JdbcSupplierCrudPersister { Connection conn = null; public JdbcSupplierCrudPersister(String url) throws SQLException { Statement cstmt = conn.createStatement(); cstmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Suppliers (Company varchar(10), Address varchar(50), Telephone varchar(20));"); } public void createSupplier(String company, String address, String telephone) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values (?,?,?)"); statement.setString(1,company); statement.setString(2,address); statement.setString(3,telephone); statement.executeUpdate(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { JdbcSupplierCrudPersister persister = new JdbcSupplierCrudPersister("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); persister.createSupplier("Unusual Systems","Leighton Buzzard, UK", "01525601260"); persister.createSupplier("Open Classrooms","Paris, France", ""); } }
Cpublic class JdbcSupplierCrudPersister { Connection conn = null; public JdbcSupplierCrudPersister(String url) throws SQLException { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); Statement cstmt = conn.createStatement(); cstmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Suppliers (Company varchar(10), Address varchar(50), Telephone varchar(20));"); } public void createSupplier(String company, String address, String telephone) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values (?,?,?)"); statement.setString(1,company); statement.setString(2,address); statement.setString(3,telephone); statement.executeUpdate(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { JdbcSupplierCrudPersister persister = new JdbcSupplierCrudPersister("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); persister.createSupplier("Unusual Systems","Leighton Buzzard, UK", "01525601260"); persister.createSupplier("Open Classrooms","Paris, France", ""); } }
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); Statement cstmt = conn.createStatement(); cstmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Suppliers (Company varchar(10), Address varchar(50), Telephone varchar(20));"); Statement istmt1 = conn.createStatement(); istmt1.executeQuery("insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values ('Unusual Systems', 'Leighton Buzzard, UK', '01525 601260');"); Statement istmt2 = conn.createStatement(); istmt2.executeQuery("insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values ('OpenClassrooms', 'Paris, France', '');");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:./RobotShop.db"); Statement istmt1 = conn.createStatement(); istmt1.executeQuery("insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values ('Unusual Systems', 'Leighton Buzzard, UK', '01525 601260');"); Statement istmt2 = conn.createStatement(); istmt2.executeQuery("insert into Suppliers (Company, Address, Telephone) values ('OpenClassrooms', 'Paris, France', '');");
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