• 2 hours
  • Easy

Free online content available in this course.


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Last updated on 6/27/23

Set Off on Your Path With Confidence

We’re nearing the end of our course. I’m happy to have been given the chance to guide you through the first steps of your OpenClassrooms training program.

Before you jump in, don’t forget: Believe in yourself, find your support system, and always keep your professional goal in mind. And if you ever feel unsure, here’s a downloadable summary recapping all the key concepts from this course.

First step: analyze your brief, second step: make use of available resources, third step: get the most out of your mentoring sessions, fourth step: prepare for your project assessment, fifth step: do a project debriefing
A summary of the steps for completing a project

I hope you’ll learn a lot—and enjoy yourself in the process! Now it’s time to set off on your path.

Go with confidence! You have all the resources you need to succeed!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement