École polytechnique
Partner description
École Polytechnique is a leading French institute which combines top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology. Its three types of progressive graduate-level programs – Ingénieur Polytechnicien, Master’s, and PhD – are highly selective and promote a culture of excellence with a strong emphasis on science, anchored in humanist traditions.
Decode the entrepreneur's DNA
You want to start a business but you're not sure where to begin? Let's brainstorm together to get you moving! In this course, you will find advice, methods and inspiring stories to learn how to identify promising venture ideas.
Decode the entrepreneur's DNASee course -
Launch your innovative venture
Once you’ve built the foundation of your venture, the next challenge is to “get up and get going”. That stage raises a number of new issues: preparing your venture for fund raising, actually closing the funding, and managing the project, leading the team
Launch your innovative ventureSee course -
Develop your venture
An illustrated, practical framework for guiding the process from the opportunity to the venture
Develop your ventureSee course