Launch your innovative venture20 heuresDifficileLicence Ce cours est visible gratuitement en ligne. course.header.alt.is_video course.header.alt.is_certifying J'ai tout compris ! Mis à jour le 30/03/2022 Start from this idea : "Projections are always wrong" Build a decision model It all starts with sales The 3 classes of sales model Some examples Conclusion Quiz : Build a decision model of a fitness club (study case) Describe your expense structure Model the cost structure Produce the financial statements Assess your funding requirement Analyze your funding requirement Quiz : Quiz 2 Quiz : Calculate the expense structure of a pastry shop (Study case) Is the Business plan really useless ? Anticipate on the chasm in funding your project Understand the rejection process from investors The canonical Business Plan template A few writing tips Discover storytelling Introduction to the art of pitching The structure of a pitch The principles of public speaking Tell your story in front of an audience Early stage management challenges Leadership throughout time Rules and principles for surviving in a hostile environment Some testimonials Quiz : Quiz 4 It all starts with sales # Build a decision model The 3 classes of sales model 1 2 Créez un compte OpenClassrooms Le téléchargement des vidéos de nos cours est accessible pour les membres Premium. Vous pouvez toutefois les visionner en streaming gratuitement. Devenez Premium 1 2 Créez un compte OpenClassrooms Le téléchargement des vidéos de nos cours est accessible pour les membres Premium. Vous pouvez toutefois les visionner en streaming gratuitement. Devenez Premium