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Solve Common Programming Problems With Design Patterns in Python

Compétences évaluées

  • Solve common programming problems with design patterns in Python
  • Question 1

    What is a design pattern?

    • A recurring method for finishing code before deadline.

    • A base class used for modification.

    • A reusable solution to a recurring problem.

    • A sequence of steps that ensure that code conforms to PEP 8.

  • Question 2

    Which of these is NOT a good reason for using the constant design for the golden ratio, 1.618…?

    • A consistent level of accuracy will be used for this value throughout the code.

    • If the value is replaced by another, it is easy to find all places where it is used in the code.

    • Developers reading the code will easily understand what the 1.618… represents because it has a name in the code such as  VALUE_GOLDEN_RATIO

    • If the value gets used many times, the code will run significantly faster when using the constant design pattern.

  • Question 3

    The list of colors in the following code may be expanded or modified in the future. Which of the following is a suitable way to implement the constant design pattern to make future updates straightforward and resistant to bugs?

    print("Choose a color:")
    for color in ["red", "green", "yellow"]:
    for ii in range(0, 3):
        input_color = input()
        if input_color not in ["red", "green", "yellow"]:
      print("Choose a color:")
      for color in ["red", "green", "yellow"]:
      for ii in range(0, NUMBER_OF_COLORS):
          input_color = input()
          if input_color not in ["red", "green", "yellow"]:
    • COLORS_FOR_MODULE = ["red", "green", "yellow"]
      print("Choose a color:")
      for color in COLORS_FOR_MODULE:
      for ii in range(0, len(COLORS_FOR_MODULE)):
          input_color = input()
          if input_color not in COLORS_FOR_MODULE:
    • COLOR_1 = "red"
      COLOR_2 = "green"
      COLOR_3 = "yellow"
      print("Choose a color:")
      for color in [COLOR_1, COLOR_2, COLOR_3]:
      for ii in range(0, 3):
          input_color = input()
          if input_color not in [COLOR_1, COLOR_2, COLOR_3]:
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