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Mis à jour le 20/07/2022

Create Many-to-One Relationships with a Foreign Key

Use a Foreign Key for a One-to-Many Relationship

All of our work so far has been working with one model at a time. We create Band objects, and we create Listing objects, but we only work with one of them at a time. It’s time to bring them together!

Think about the real-world entities that our models represent. For example, the different merchandise listings we have - posters, clothing, and so on - are each related to a band. A user might arrive at the site and be interested in looking for merch listings for a specific band that they are interested in. It would be great if we could allow the user to view a page of listings for just that band.

In order to do that, we need to create a relationship between the  Band  model and the  Listing  model.

One of the most common relationships between two models is the “one-to-many.”

For example, we could say that “a  Band  can have many related  Listings , but each  Listing  can have only one related  Band  .” 

So, we could have a t-shirt, poster, and gig ticket all originating from the band “De La Soul.” The band is related to three listings, but each of those is related to one band. A listing can’t be related to both “De La Soul” and “Foo Fighters” at the same time.

Let’s see how to create a “one-to-many” relationship between the  Band  and  Listing  models. 

Let’s look at some data from our two database tables (some fields/columns have been omitted).





De La Soul


Foo Fighters


Cut Copy





Cut Copy t-shirt


De La Soul tour poster


Foo Fighters single poster

If each of our listings, in a sense, “belongs” to one of the bands, then we can add a column to the listings table and mark which of the bands this listing belongs to - or rather, we mark the id of the band it belongs to, like this: 






Cut Copy t-shirt



De La Soul tour poster



Foo Fighters single poster


This new column we’ve added,  band_id  , is known as a foreign key because it contains the id - or the “key” - from another table. 

This suggests that we need to add a new field to the Listing model to act as a link to the  Band  model, and there is a special type of field for that called  ForeignKey  . 

Let’s add a foreign key to the  Listing  model now. 

class Listing(models.Model):

   band = models.ForeignKey(Band, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)

 We name the field as  band  . That means we can get the band for any listing by calling  listing.band  , which will be really handy later.

We also pass three arguments to  ForeignKey  :

  • The model we want to relate to:  Band .

  • null=True  - because we want to allow listings to be created even if they’re not directly related to a band.

  • on_delete=models.SET_NULL  - this is where we decide on a strategy to follow when  Band  objects get deleted. There are multiple options for this, such as:

    • Set the  band  field to null using  models.SET_NULL .

    • Set the  band  field to the default value using  models.SET_DEFAULT  .

    • Delete the  Listing  object using  models.CASCADE  .

    • Other more complex settings which you can find described in the Django documentation.

We don’t want to delete the  Listing  object if a  Band  gets deleted, so we will use  SET_NULL  .

Next, we need to ensure our model changes are reflected in the database. So let’s generate a migration with  python manage.py makemigrations  and then run that migration  with  python manage.py migrate  .

Manipulate Foreign Keys in the Django Admin

Start up the development server and take a look at the Create view for the  Listing  object. 

Under the Listings option, the objects Bands and Listings appears.
The Listing object.

We now have a drop-down list from which we can choose a band to relate this listing to. The value in the drop-down list is given by the string representation of the  Band  object. 

The Band field includes a drop-down menu containing the options De La Soul, Cut Copy, and Foo Fighters.
A drop-down list.

Let’s set the  band  field for this listing to  De La Soul  . Then let’s look at it in the list view. 

The page displays a single listing, Gig Tickets, with no other information.
The Gig Tickets listing.

Is it possible to see the linked bands for each of these listings?

Let’s do that by adding the  band  field to the  ListingAdmin  in admin.py. 

class ListingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'band')  # add 'band' here

Let’s look at it again.

Next to the listing Gig Tickets, a band is indicated. In this case, De la Soul.
The linked band is now visible!

Nice! What we see in the  Band  column is dictated by the string representation of the  Band  object, which we configured earlier with the  __str__  method. 

Next, refresh these skills by following the steps in the screencast.

Let’s Recap!

  • You can create one-to-many relationships using the  ForeignKey  field.

  • You control the strategy for what happens when a linked model is deleted using the  on_delete  argument.

  • One-to-many relationships can be managed in the Django admin. 

Now that you can link different models using foreign keys, it’s time to look at how to rollback and merge migrations.

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Exemple de certificat de réussite