• 10 heures
  • Moyenne

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Mis à jour le 02/03/2022

Get the Most Out of This Course

Welcome to the course!

I want to explain some basics of how we’ll be working before getting into the details of this topic.

The course has videos, texts, and quizzes with a practice exercise at the end.

  • The videos provide summaries of the key information.

  • The text supports the videos and recaps the information. You can look back over it later (if necessary). The text also provides further explanations and examples, as well as the equipment you will need and the files to download (represented by this symbol 📲) 

  • The quizzes at the end of each part will let you know if you have understood the information and grasped the basics.

  • At the end of the course, there is an exercise to test your knowledge. It also lets you practice what you have learned. Throughout the course, we will be working on the SofiSofa project. I based this example on a real-life project from my career.  

The SofiSofa Project

When I was a young project manager, I was in charge of a project that was full of issues. You will learn from my mistakes as I use the experience to illustrate some of the course concepts, helping you avoid the same problems!

In this course, the blue boxes and the sofa emoticon - 🛋 - highlight the theory and show you how to put it into practice.

SofiSofa Mobile App
SofiSofa Mobile App

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

- Thomas Edison

Risk management would have allowed us to avoid many of the project's pitfalls. This process includes: 

  • Taking time to understand the true nature and context of the project.

  • Learning about the client's risks and their limitations.

  • The skills required (beyond the determination to get the job done) and listening to the opinions of all involved. 

Are you really to get started with risk analysis? Then join me for the next chapter!

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Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite