Build powerful web applications using the popular programming language, Python, and the Django framework.
Python developers are in charge of creating software using the Python programming language. They are generally focused on the back end of websites or applications, i.e., the architecture, unlike front-end developers, who manage the visual aspects.
A Python developer’s role includes:
The number of software developer jobs is projected to grow by over 20% from 2018 to 2028 due to unprecedented growth in the tech sector (source: US BLS). In particular, Python programming is one of the most in-demand skills in the current job market.
Here at OpenClassrooms, our mission is to make education accessible. OpenClassrooms is a global online education-to-employment platform, designed to teach the skills needed for the most in-demand jobs. We pinpoint the key skills needed to succeed in the job market and create world-class online programs to train our students on those skills.
That’s why we've developed this 12-month bachelor-level diploma in Python development, which you can complete entirely online with the help of a dedicated mentor.
This training was designed and created by our learning design team in collaboration with a committee of Python experts. It consists of 13 projects of increasing complexity. Each project is based on a concrete scenario from the professional world and will allow you to acquire specific skills. Your mission: find solutions, produce professional deliverables, and present them convincingly to a mentor. You will be able to directly apply your experience to the workplace.
By completing this path, you will develop the following Python developer competencies:
...and much more!
At the end of this training, you will have a portfolio of professional projects and earn the Python Developer OpenClassrooms certification.
Software development can be a lucrative career as many opportunities become available the more you gain experience. Here are average salaries of Python developers in 2020:
Python developer salaries in the U.S. |
Python developer salaries in the U.K. |
Beginner |
Junior: $70,000 |
£50,000 |
2-5 years |
2-5 years: $100,000 |
£65,000 |
5+ years |
5+ years: $125,000 |
£80,000 |
Sources |
By following this training, you will be able to work as a Python, Django, Web, or Back-End Developer.
In the future, you will be able to evolve your career in different ways, including:
To be eligible to earn this path's diploma, candidates must demonstrate proof of one of the following prerequisites:
All other candidates will need to go through a specific admissions process. These candidates must have:
Certificates accepted:
Don’t have one of these certificates? Find out where to take an exam.
Du choix de leur formation au premier jour de leur nouvelle carrière, nos étudiants racontent leur expérience et l'accompagnement qu'ils ont reçu, étape par étape.
Pour tous
Cette formation nécessite un investissement en temps estimé à 1600 heures dont 800 heures supervisées.
Détails sur la durée de la formation
La durée totale de la formation se compose de :
La période de formation peut être rallongée en cas de formation à temps partiel.
La durée est estimée et dépend de votre niveau d'entrée en formation, de votre disponibilité, du temps alloué par semaine, de votre capacité et rythme d'apprentissage.
Ce parcours vous intéresse pour votre entreprise ?
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Formation mise à jour le 29 oct. 2024