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Last updated on 2/7/20

Write out suites and specs

Let's get you set up with Jasmine real quick before jumping into the details!

You have two options:

  1. Download the source files here ("BowlingWithJasmine.zip"), though the Jasmine version might be out of date, or;

  2. Download the standalone version yourself from the Jasmine release page.

If you opt for the second route:

1. Visit the Jasmine releases page on GitHub and download the latest standalone version.

Download the Jasmine standalone version
Download the Jasmine standalone version

Within the file you download, you'll see the following file structure:

Jasmine standalone version contents
Jasmine standalone version contents

2. One of the folders is called  spec . Open up the  spec  folder, and, inside, create a new file called  BowlingGameSpec.js . 

3. Another folder is called  src . Inside the  src  folder, create a new file called  BowlingGame.js  .

 4. Lastly, you need to link up the test file with the code file. Open  SpecRunner.html  in your text editor, remove everything, paste the following contents, and save the file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Jasmine Spec Runner v2.4.1</title>

  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="lib/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine_favicon.png">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine.css">

  <script src="lib/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine-html.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/jasmine-2.4.1/boot.js"></script>

  <!-- include source files here... -->
  <script src="src/BowlingGame.js"></script>

  <!-- include spec files here... -->
  <script src="spec/BowlingGameSpec.js"></script>



Otherwise, just download the source files linked at the top of the chapter ("BowlingWithJasmine.zip").

Now that you're set up with this file structure, let's get started with writing the first step: tests!


Suites and specs are the two required elements for setting up your tests. Despite their different names, they're both just functions to which you can give human-readable names.

You've already seen both suites and specs earlier in this course, even if you didn't realize it!

A test suite refers to a group of tests that will test the same general functionality.

For example, you might have a test suite that tests a video player.

Video player functionality

What should you test? 🤔 

  • Does the video automatically play as it should when the page loads?

  • Does the video start playing when someone clicks the play button?

These multiple micro-functionalities are associated with the act of playing a video, and you should test them.

You also might test the functionality of stopping the video.

  • Does clicking the stop button indeed stop the video playback?

  • Does the video player stop once the video ends?

Likewise, you should test these multiple micro-functionalities are associated with the act of stopping a video.

Describe blocks

In Jasmine, you set up testing of different functionalities by first creating a  describe  block.  describe  is simply a function to which you pass a string.

Each  describe  block will test the micro-behaviors associated with the overall feature!

Here's an example of a  describe  block, or suite as it's called:

describe("when video is played", function() {

    // test video playing functionality here


You see the keyword describe and open parentheses, standard for any function call in JavaScript. Next, you see a string that describes the thing being tested. This can be in regular old English!

You can also have suites within suites, for example:

describe("Video player", function() {
    describe("when the page loads", function() {
    // test that the video plays upon page load
    describe("when user clicks the play button", function() {
    // test that when a user clicks the play button, the video plays

Now let's take a look at specs, the crucial other half to suites!


Specs are written using similar syntax, except instead of the word  describe , you use  it , also a global Jasmine function!

Similarly to  describe ,  it  takes a string and a function. The string is the test's title, which should be specific and readable. The function contains the test itself.

While describe simply describes the functionality that will be tested, the spec details what should or should not happen!

Taking the video player example above, you can fill in the suites with some specs.

describe("Video player", function() {
    describe("when the page loads", function() {
        it("should automatically play the video", function() {
    describe("when user clicks the play button", function() {
        it("should play the video", function() {

Suites and specs let you have a great test structure organized by feature and functionality. With this standard structure, your tests will always be organized and delightful.

Bowling example

It's time to revisit the files you created in the first part of this chapter! Open up  BowlingGameSpec.js ; you're shortly going to add some tests inside.

Let's move away from the video player example now and see how you could set up another set of specs and suites. Throughout the next few chapters, we'll use the example of a bowling game to describe and write tests. 🎳

You'll see how to test that:

  • scores are calculated properly, like if someone hits no pins the whole game (ouch), their final score should be zero.

  • strikes and spares are considered differently than normal rolls.

  • a game has 10 frames.

And more!

Test your (code) bowling skills!
Test your (code) bowling skills!

In order to write code that mimics a bowling game, let's start with the simplest concept. A player rolls the ball!

For each "turn" in bowling, a player gets two rolls.

We'll cover two broad scenarios that could arise when a player rolls:

  1. Player knocks down impressive pins (a spare or a strike)

  2. Player knocks down 0 pins

Bowling suites

Let's start with the easiest scenario: knocking down pins. Go ahead and write out a spec in  BowlingGameSpec.js , such as:

describe("Bowling game", function() {
    // tests

In the first line, I set up a spec for the entire group of tests. This can generally be called  Bowling game  or whatever your functionality is called.

Bowling specs

I mentioned that when knocking down pins, a player's score should increase based on the number of pins they knock down, right? The player's score should depend on the number of pins they knocked down and how.

Include that as part of your spec (see line #3 below).

describe("Bowling game", function() {
    it("should properly calculate a gutter game", function() {
        // test
    it("should properly calculate a strike", function () {
        // test
    it("should properly calculate a spare", function () {
        // test

Here, you've got a great setup for writing 3 of your first tests. To recap, you'll write tests (and code) for when a player:

  • hits zero pins the whole game.

  • rolls a strike.

  • rolls a spare.

In the next chapter, let's define what we expect to happen in each of these scenarios.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement