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Last updated on 3/15/23

Discover the Benefits of Agile Mindset for Your Workplace

Evaluated skills

  • Discover the Benefits of Agile Mindset for Your Workplace
  • Question 1

    What does the acronym VUCA stand for?

    • Voracious, unpredictable, complicated, and ambivalent

    • Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous

    • Vacillating, undecided, convoluted, and arduous

    • Vague, unsettled, changeable, and agitated

  • Question 2

    What are the main reasons for teams to change their ways of working to more adaptive ones in today’s VUCA world? 

    To enable teams to (select all that apply):

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Produce more with fewer resources.

    • Spend no time planning and get on with the important job of executing and delivering.

    • Be more responsive to rapidly changing customer behavior and expectations.

    • Adopt new tools that can help them work faster.

    • Respond to competitive and market conditions.

    • Adapt to flexible, hybrid ways of working.

  • Question 3

    The “dilemma zone” in the technology S-curve described the jump from one technology to the next. What is the main reason this shift is difficult for organizations?

    • When companies are at the top of their existing S-curve, they are well optimized around specific technology and ways of working. This makes it harder to see the need to change and break open existing assumptions and reimagine different ways of doing things.

    • The move from one technology foundation to another can be costly.

    • Evolving from one way of working to another takes enormous time and effort.

    • Moving from one technology to another is hard because people don’t understand the new technology.

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