• 4 hours
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Last updated on 3/22/23

Collaborate Remotely

Evaluated skills

  • Collaborate remotely
  • Question 1

    You’re in charge of organizing a last-minute meeting for your Horizon 2030 project. Which of these emails would be best to send?

    • Subject: Suggested dates—update—Horizon 2030 project.

      Dear all,

      I need to organize a last-minute update for March for the “Horizon 2030” project.

      Could you let me know your availability by the end of the week on this Doodle poll?

      Thanks in advance and wishing you all a lovely day.


    • Subject: Meeting date.

      Dear colleagues,

      I’m reaching out to you all to plan our monthly coordination meeting for the Horizon 2030 project.

      Would you be kind enough to let me know your availability on this Doodle poll, so that I can set a date for the meeting?

      Many thanks in advance for your cooperation, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

      Best regards

    • Subject: URGENT—meeting.

      Just emailing to plan the Horizon 2030 meeting—please fill in this Doodle poll ASAP.


  • Question 2

    You’re working asynchronously when:

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • you send a request via email.

    • you comment on a document online.

    • you hold a video call.

    • you’re managing a project through a platform.

  • Question 3

    Sarah is planning her next day of remote work. Out of the tasks below, which would be best managed synchronously?

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Getting a written report approved by management

    • Writing a report on project X with her team

    • Negotiating a roadmap with her manager

    • Tackling a sensitive issue with a client

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