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Last updated on 7/1/24

Prepare the Functional Specifications

Familiarize Yourself With Functional Specifications

During the second step in the V-model process, you'll create the functional specifications document that you’ll be writing with the IT project team. This is the document that describes the application functionality.

The Second Step in the V-Model Process: Functional Specifications
The Second Step in the V-Model Process: Functional Specifications

At this stage, you’ll need to describe the functionality and explain how the users will interact with the application. These elements are explained to ensure that the reader fully understands what the software can do.

You’ll be using a number of methods to help describe the functionality effectively. These include use cases, diagrams, and mockups.

  1. Use cases.
    These are textual descriptions explaining how users interact with the application. Use cases describe the actions that the users will perform together with the expected results
    For example, you’ll specify how a user logs in, performs a search, or makes a reservation.

  2. Diagrams.
    Diagrams are images that enable you to visualize the different functions and interactions within the application.
    For example, you could use a diagram to show the steps a user would go through before paying for their order or to explain how data moves around the application before it reaches its destination.

  3. Mockups.
    Mockups provide a visual representation of the application look and feel. You’ll be able to see the different screen elements, colors used, buttons, and data entry fields. 

Mockups allow you to visualize the application design and usability to provide a preview of the software.

When creating your functional specifications, I would recommend using these three formats to describe the application. They work well together and give all project stakeholders an understanding of what you’re planning to develop. If you lack design skills, you can always delegate to a team member.

Identify the Stakeholders and Target Audience for the Functional Specifications

As project manager, it’s your job to coordinate the team that will be writing the functional specifications. More specifically, you’ll need to plan, nominate, and support the people who will be writing each part of the functional specifications.

Let’s take a closer look at the types of roles that are suitable for producing this document.

  • Subject matter and functional experts: They bring a wealth of knowledge and help define the required functionality. 

  • UX/UI designers: Their job it is to create appealing and effective visual mockups for the users of the future application.

Who is the target audience for the functional specifications?

Functional specifications are relevant to all project stakeholders, but each recipient will use them differently.

For example, the project owners will need them to verify whether the IT project team’s solution will meet their needs.

The developers working within the IT project team will need the functional specifications as a reference document so that they can:

  • write technical and detailed specifications.

  • develop the functionality.

  • complete the system testing planned for step 7 in the V-model.

By using a variety of visual representations, such as schemas, diagrams, and mockups, you’ll be able to present the functionality in a way that is clear and comprehensible for all the different project team members who will use this documentation when they create their deliverables (code, test plans, etc.).

As project manager, can I also write the functional specifications?

Although your main role is essentially to coordinate the team, depending on the project context, you can contribute to the functional specifications if you have the relevant skills. We’ll go into more detail on this topic in a dedicated chapter on creating diagrams.

Now, let’s find out how the project manager coordinates the work required to create the functional specifications. Your priority will be to check that all contributors comply with the deadlines and adhere to the quality standards expected for this document.

Plan the Functional Specifications

With the experience you gained coordinating the business requirements, you’ve now developed your method.

You’ll need to apply the three steps required to write and track the functional specifications document.

  1. Structure the functional specifications document: By defining a clear, detailed plan, you’ll be able to guide the contributors to fulfill the objectives you’ve set for each chapter of the document.

  2. Assign the right people: Once you’ve defined your chapters and sections, you can assign the right people to the task of writing each chapter.

  3. Plan the execution: To ensure you meet the project deadlines, you can define target dates for each assigned task and monitor their progress so that you can stick to the schedule.

Am I responsible for checking any diagrams and mockups that are created?

Once any diagrams and mockups have been created, it’s very important to have them checked by the project owners. This team will check whether or not the specifications align with the business requirements and then give you the go-ahead to proceed to the next step.

The following five steps will guide you through the functional specifications sign-off process:

  1. Internal sign-off: Once you’ve created the specifications, carry out an internal validation process with your functional and technical teams to check the document quality.

  2. Meeting with project owners: After the specifications have been checked internally, you can organize a meeting with the project owners team to present the completed document.

  3. Project owner sign-off: After this presentation, the project owners will assess your specifications in detail to ensure they are consistent and that they meet the organization’s needs.

  4. Corrections: If any modifications are required, the project owners team will ask you to amend the specifications.

  5. Final sign-off: Once the functional specifications have been reviewed and updated, the project owners will sign off on the document. You can now move on to the next step.

The Five Steps in the Document Sign-off Process
The Five Steps in the Document Sign-off Process

Add Useful Information

You’ve now completed the functional specifications with the help of team contributions and advice. This is great progress! Now it’s time to add some useful information to the document.

For example, you could include a glossary to explain some of the terms used, provide references to mockups and prototypes to help visualize the functionality, and supply contact details for the key people involved in case there are any questions or clarifications required.

This will make the document clearer and more accessible to everyone.

Over to You!


One of the key features of the software you’re developing for AirGalaxy is the “anomaly detector.” There is a diagram that makes this feature easier to understand, but it needs to be finished.

  1. Complete the diagram: Fill in the missing parts of the diagram to illustrate the detailed functionality for the “anomaly detector.” Make sure you include all the key steps in the process, particularly data capture, data analysis, decision-making based on anomaly detection, and supervisor alerts.

  2. Access the diagram: Use the following link to access the initial diagram, and then make a copy and complete it: Access the diagram.

  3. At the end of this exercise, you should have a completed activity diagram providing a logical and easy-to-understand description of the “anomaly detector” feature.

Let’s Recap

  • Functional specifications describe how the application works and how it is used. These specifications provide an understanding of what needs to be developed.

  • The IT project team is responsible for writing the functional specifications. The team will consult experts with the relevant functional and design skills to complete this task.

  • Schemas and diagrams are essential to help visualize the application features and interactions. They facilitate communication and avoid misunderstandings.

  • The project manager coordinates the production of the functional specifications, creates a document plan, assigns responsibilities, and organizes workshops with subject matter experts. 

  • The content of the functional specifications is signed off on in partnership with the project owners.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn more about the technical specifications and cover tool selection, technologies used, and any technical constraints that you’ll need to handle.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement