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Mis à jour le 02/09/2020

Test Your Rendering

The best way to test if your rendering works and is SEO-friendly is to pretend you’re Google!

Use Google Search Console

Unfortunately, as of the writing of this course, this feature is only available in the old version of the Search Console. To access it, go to the Crawl tab, then click on Fetch as Google.

You can view pages as Googlebot sees them and check that it can render them, then make sure it is happening by testing the main pages.

Search Console can also see if Google is indexing your URL or if there are any issues simply by typing it into the search bar at the very top.

You will see information about the status of your page in Google's index. If you want to see if it is being indexed and crawled correctly, click on the button: Test the URL online.

Google Search Console - URL Inspection Tool

Here's an example of a completed test to check if a Webodew page is being indexed.

We used the URL test function in the new Search Console, followed by the "Test the URL Online" function. Googlebot can render the website correctly, which is as expected since the site is not in JavaScript. Perform this test on your pages to see if you get the same result.

Explore Your Site With Chrome Version 41

Test the Rendering of the Mobile-Friendly Version of Your Website

As you saw in earlier chapters, it is essential that you optimize your site for mobile devices.

You can test this with Google's Mobile-friendly test tool.

We used the URL test function in the new Search Console, followed by the "Test the URL Online" function. Googlebot can render the website correctly, which is as expected since the site is not in JavaScript. Perform this test on your pages to see if you get the same result.

Let's Recap!

  • Use the Fetch like Google feature in the Search Console and check that Google can fetch your pages.

  • Test your site with the mobile-friendly tool.

Congratulations! You now know how to improve referencing for a site created with a JavaScript framework. Don’t forget to take the quiz before you continue. Next stop, optimizing a multilingual website!

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