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Mis à jour le 02/09/2020

Get some practice by optimizing a page of content

It's your turn!

You have just landed a position as an SEO project manager in a small business called Spatial, which sells landscape photos taken by drone.

Landing page de spatial
Spatial's landing page PLACEHOLDER.

After meeting the team, the marketing director, Jenna, explains that the designer and junior web developer have just completed the first version of the site's home page. You have arrived just in time to work on the page before it goes live. 👌

You download the home page and see that the index.html file looks pretty slow.

You make a note of the fact that the website will be hosted on a dedicated Apache HTTP Server. You set out to prepare the .htaccess file too.

It's up to you to improve the speed of the site! Here's your to-do list:

  • Optimize the images that require it.

  • Minify resources.

  • Unlock the page download.

  • Prepare the .htaccess file.

  • Activate gzip compression.

  • Set up the browser cache.

Check your work!

Are you done? Sure? Check whether your file meets all of the following criteria and take a look at the example below to see how you got on!

  • The images at the bottom of the page have been adjusted to the right size and compressed.

  • JS and CSS files are minified.

  • JS files are called with a defer or async method. 

  • The .htaccess file contains the activation of gzip compression.

  • The .htaccess file contains the settings of the Cache-Control and Expires headers.

  • The .htaccess file is valid (you can check it with http://www.htaccesscheck.com/ for example).

And here is the correct version 🙂

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite