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Mis à jour le 14/12/2022

Ensure Students Obtain a Qualification

You have seen the specific tasks you will have to complete as an assessor. But are you aware of just how vital this role is to our students and their careers? Let’s see how assessors help students.

Help Students Earn Diplomas

By passing or failing a student, an assessor impacts whether or not they will obtain their qualification or diploma at the end of the course. The jury in charge of making the final decision will look at your report to help guide them. Therefore, your reports must be clear.

Without clear reports, students wouldn’t be able to get their diplomas. Therefore, assessors should write them with three stakeholders in mind:

  1. The student needs specific, constructive feedback from their assessors to understand their mistakes and improve.

  2. The mentor will read the assessor’s feedback to see how their student is improving and analyze the support they have been providing. The feedback will help the mentor understand the project better and know what they need to pay attention to.

  3. OpenClassrooms relies on the expertise of its assessors to provide high-quality qualifications. 

Contribute to Quality Material

OpenClassrooms is a school where the teachers are professionals (not academics) who know their line of work better than anyone. It is thanks to our community of professionals that OpenClassrooms exists and can offer high-quality learning material! Our mentor/assessors play a crucial role in this:

  • They identify the most commonly made mistakes on different projects.

  • They identify areas for improvement so students can continue to grow. 

  • They express any doubts about a student they believe is not ready to move on to the next project.

As a mentor/assessor, you will also help us continuously improve the projects and our learning material by sending us your feedback. 🙌

Lets Recap!

In this chapter, you learned more about your future responsibilities as a mentor/assessor: 

  • Provide clear reports that students, mentors, and the OpenClassrooms team will read. They must be clear and specific, outlining areas for improvement that the student can use to move forward.

  • Help students obtain their diplomas. The jury will rely on your feedback to decide whether they will get their diploma, so you must be able to justify your assessments.

  • Improve the quality of OpenClassrooms’ teaching material. Your feedback helps us continue to enhance our learning content and material.

Let’s now take a look at what resources you will be able to rely upon to help you meet your responsibilities!

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite