UX Designer

Master human-centered design and create beautiful, clean user experiences!

Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
750 heures supervisées

Une formation flexible 100% en ligne

Démarrez à tout moment votre nouvelle carrière ! Disponible à temps partiel ? Pas de problème, étudiez à votre rythme.

Des projets professionnalisants

Apprenez les compétences clés de votre futur métier en validant 10 projets tirés de cas concrets d’entreprise.

Un accompagnement personnalisé

Bénéficiez de sessions de mentorat avec un expert du métier.

Certification OpenClassrooms

Décrochez une certification professionnelle et bénéficiez de notre garantie embauché ou remboursé.*
DesignUX Designer
Certification OpenClassrooms
Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
750 heures supervisées

At OpenClassrooms, we pinpoint the key skills needed for the most in-demand jobs and develop courses and diplomas to train our students in those areas. That’s why we've developed a master's-level program in UX design, which you can complete entirely online with the help of a dedicated mentor. 

UX designers are responsible for creating great user experiences that respond to the needs of actual users. In particular, UX designers need to:

  • Carry out different research methodologies
  • Inform design decisions through research
  • Prototype concepts
  • Solve complex problems
  • Design experiences and solutions that meet customer needs
  • Test iterations on real users
  • Effectively communicate design decisions
  • Collaborate across teams and projects 

How much will I earn?

UX designers tend to earn more than graphic designers and web developers. 

By following this path, you could end up in a job with the following salaries:

United States

  • Entry level: $40-70,000
  • Experienced:  $60-190,000+

United Kingdom

  • Entry level: £31-40,000
  • Experienced: £40-95,000+

What are my job prospects?

UX designers are in demand by every kind of company, from startups to big companies.  UX design can be applied to any industry, and companies are increasingly growing their in-house UX teams, which may be made up of design researchers, usability testers, UX designers, and UI [user interface = visual look and feel] designers. It is also possible to work freelance as a UX expert.

Find UX design job offers on IndeedLinkedInGlassdoor, Zip Recruiter, and Authentic Jobs.

Who is eligible to enroll?

To be eligible to earn this path’s diploma, candidates must demonstrate proof of one of the following prerequisites:

  • an associate’s degree, or equivalent, in a digital field (ex. web project management, design, graphics, communication, webmarketing, development, etc.)
  • or a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent, and at least 2 years of professional experience in a digital field (ex. web project management, design, graphics, communication, webmarketing, development, etc.)  

All other candidates will need to go through a specific admissions process. These candidates must have:

  • an associate’s degree, or equivalent, in any subject and at least 1 year of professional experience in any field
  • or a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent in any subject and 3 years of professional experience in any field
  • and a completed placement test consisting of:

What will I learn?

  • Apply UX principles to actual projects
  • Conduct research studies including ethnography, usability testing and card sorting
  • Assess a scenario and create a research path
  • Lead and facilitate design thinking exercises and workshops
  • Prototype ideas to save time and money
  • Create wireframes
  • Implement research findings and analytics in product development
  • Manage creative projects
  • Translate complex ideas into accessible objectives
  • Design effective user experiences
  • Apply graphic design skills across projects
  • Communicate your process and design decisions
  • Present your findings to stakeholders and clients

Which job titles can I have?

This path can prepare you for the following jobs:

  • UX designer
  • UX/UI designer
  • Experience designer
  • Design/User researcher

How will I learn at OpenClassrooms?

Our learning method is unique and revolves around two elements: professional projects and dedicated mentoring sessions.

At OpenClassrooms, learning is project-driven because that’s the fastest way to become proficient. Projects offer hands-on experience so you can hit the ground running when you start your new job.  

Want to see an example of a project? Read our blog post here.

During your path, you will be assigned a mentor who will offer one-to-one support via weekly video conference sessions. This mentor will offer guidance on your projects, help define objectives and guide you until you reach them. Our mentors are dedicated professionals who are experts in their field and have experience in sharing their know-how with our students.

Votre diplôme

  • OpenClassrooms est un établissement privé d’enseignement à distance déclaré au rectorat de l’Académie de Paris.
  • À l’issue de votre formation, sous réserve de validation de vos compétences, vous obtiendrez le diplôme d’établissement OpenClassrooms « UX Designer ».

Garantie embauché ou remboursé

  • Vous trouvez un emploi dans les 6 mois après la date de validation du dernier projet de votre parcours.
  • Autrement, nous vous remboursons vos frais de scolarité.*
    Voir les détails
DesignUX Designer
Certification OpenClassrooms
Période de formation
12 mois à temps plein
Durée de la formation
750 heures supervisées

Une pédagogie basée sur la pratique

  • Obtenez des compétences clés en validant des projets professionnalisants.
  • Progressez à l'aide d'un expert du métier.
  • Gagnez un véritable savoir-faire ainsi qu’un portfolio pour le démontrer.

Les projets et compétences en détail

projet 1

Think Like a UX Designer

UX design refers to user experience design. That means putting the user (or customer) at the center of the design process. For the first project you’re going to design for the person you know best in the world: yourself!
40 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Give a compelling presentation using storytelling principles
  • Communicate using UX vocabulary
  • Apply a human-centered approach to design
  • Use mind mapping to express ideas
projet 2

Conduct Research Around Coffee

A multinational brand has reached out to you to conduct a study on how people drink coffee. Your job is to go into the field and observe and talk to people to uncover interesting insights.
90 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Identify the key discoveries and limits of a research study
  • Analyze and synthesize actual user practices
  • Map a customer journey
  • Write research documentation and conduct interviews
  • Create meaningful personas
  • Conduct field research to understand user needs
projet 3

Usability Test Your Dream Vacation

Conduct usability testing to better understand user behavior and uncover insights and opportunities.
70 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Use card sorting to understand mental models
  • Frame and conduct usability studies
projet 4

Prototype Your First App Using Wireframes

It’s easy to get distracted and carried away by the actual design of a website or app, so your first job is to break it down into a simpler form: wireframes. Then we'll create easy digital prototypes that you can start testing on users.
80 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Create a clickable prototype
  • Create a user flow diagram
  • Design wireframes for web or mobile
  • Conduct remote usability testing
projet 5

Manage Creative Projects

You've been tasked with creating a goal oriented roadmap for a small business looking to scale their business and keeping them on schedule. While you're at it, you'll learn to better organize and manage projects created on this path.
70 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Create a business model canvas
  • Recommend tools and technology to manage a project
  • Organize your own projects through a “Wiki”
  • Write a project brief
projet 6

Lead a Design Thinking Workshop

Facilitate your own design thinking workshop!
60 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Apply the principles of design thinking within a workshop setting
  • Facilitate an engaging design workshop
  • Prepare a design workshop
  • Formalize an idea using low-fidelity prototyping techniques
projet 7

Design an App to Combat FOMO

You've been tasked with creating an app that helps combat FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). From interviews to conception, you're getting into the minds of users to solve a problem.
130 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Design a logo and branding system
  • Apply psychology to design
projet 8

Use Analytics to Inform UX Design

An e-commerce site needs your help to help determine which products are performing best, which will then inform which design direction they take next.
60 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Create infographics and data visualization
  • Use and interpret Google Analytics
  • Apply metrics and quantitative data to product development
projet 9

Improve an Existing Product

You're an in-house designer charged with making improvements to an existing website. You'll make recommendations to how it can be improved from an information architecture and content strategy perspective while integrating Lean and Agile.
50 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Define and create an MVP
  • Integrate Lean UX into an Agile environment
  • Create a product roadmap
projet 10

Create a UX Portfolio and Case Studies

You've done all the work. Now it's time to put everything you've learned into a killer portfolio with case studies to help land your first job in UX.
100 heures supervisées
Compétences acquises dans ce projet
  • Showcase your work through a portfolio and case studies
  • Design and manage your online presence

Un accompagnement individuel & privilégié

  • Bénéficiez de sessions individuelles avec un mentor expert du métier.
  • Progressez rapidement dans vos projets grâce à son excellence dans le partage de son savoir-faire.

La communauté OpenClassrooms

  • Comptez sur une communauté soudée d’étudiants prête à vous aider 24h/24, 7j/7.
  • Partagez vos questions et vos doutes avec des centaines d'étudiants, de mentors et de diplômés sur un réseau social privé.

Comment se déroule un parcours OpenClassrooms ?

Du choix de leur formation au premier jour de leur nouvelle carrière, nos étudiants racontent leur expérience et l'accompagnement qu'ils ont reçu, étape par étape.

Voir le détail des étapes

Financez votre parcours

L’abonnement : une formule flexible et à la carte

Pour tous

Les avantages
  • Date de début et rythme d’études flexibles

  • Sans engagement : arrêtez à tout moment

  • Plus vite vous terminez, moins le coût final est élevé

  • Garantie embauché ou remboursé*

480 € par mois

pour une durée estimée de 12 mois soit 5 760 €

Démarrer mon inscription

Cette formation nécessite un investissement en temps estimé à 1500 heures dont 750 heures supervisées.

La durée totale de la formation se compose de :

  • 750 heures de formation supervisée avec des projets, encadrés par des mentors
  • 750 heures de formation guidée avec des cours et des ressources pédagogiques

La période de formation peut être rallongée en cas de formation à temps partiel.
La durée est estimée et dépend de votre niveau d'entrée en formation, de votre disponibilité, du temps alloué par semaine, de votre capacité et rythme d'apprentissage.

Ce parcours vous intéresse pour votre entreprise ?

Obtenir un devis ou une démo

* Sous réserve des conditions énoncées dans les Conditions Générales de Services

Formation mise à jour le 21 déc. 2023