- 6 hours
- Easy
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Got it!Last updated on 10/25/23
Why Are Soft Skills Essential?
Evaluated skills
- Identify why soft skills are essential.
Your friend Cindy wants to learn more about the course you are currently taking: "Develop Your Soft Skills." Cindy is 26 years old and has just completed a training course to become a developer. Help her to better understand how soft skills could help her build her professional career.
Question 1
You tell Cindy about the course you are taking. Her first reaction is, "It sounds interesting, but what does "soft skills" actually mean?" Choose the definitions and translations that you think are correct.
Careful, there are several correct answers.These are personal, innate qualities.
They are behavioral skills.
They are transversal competencies.
Question 2
“OK, could you give me some examples?" Select examples of soft skills from the following suggestions.
Careful, there are several correct answers.Kindness
Sense of humor
Critical thinking
Question 3
"I've always been told that I'm not creative. It's innate, either you're creative or you're not." Is that true?
Careful, there are several correct answers.Anyone can develop their creativity, you too!
If you've never been an artist, you'll have a hard time developing your creativity.
Creativity is reserved for only a few people who are lucky enough to have it in them from birth, but there are other soft skills you can develop.
- Up to 100% of your training program funded
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- Career-focused projects
- Individual mentoring