Develop your venture10 heuresMoyenneLicence Ce cours est visible gratuitement en ligne. course.header.alt.is_video course.header.alt.is_certifying J'ai tout compris ! Mis à jour le 30/03/2022 The Sweetch case Analysing the Sweetch case Why bother yourself about the market? Differentiate the various levels of market Assessing the addressable market: the process? Assessing the addressable market: the value proposition Assessing the addressable market: profiling the customer ? Assessing the addressable market: the remaining questions? Assessing the addressable market: what to remember? Find information Summing up Quiz : Quiz 1 From the idea to the product Conceive your MVP Learn from designers about how to prototype Don’t forget about pivoting How Let It Wave pivoted 5 times throughout its life ? Summing up Quiz : Quiz 2 What is the business model framework? Part 1 of the business model framework Part 2 of the business model framework Optiways Business case Let’s apply the framework to a real opportunity Summing up How business model decisions impact strategy? The value as a subsystem What can we learn from Dell and other about the organization as a subsystem? Discover how the economic subsystem can lower adoption hurdles Keep in mind the strategic dynamic of the system Summing up Conclusion Quiz : Quiz 3 Part 1 of the business model framework Additional materialThe story of Xerox, by Alex Osterwalder (13’31 – 16’33) # Et si vous obteniez un diplôme OpenClassrooms ? Formations jusqu’à 100 % financéesDate de début flexibleProjets professionnalisantsMentorat individuelTrouvez la formation et le financement faits pour vousÊtre orientéComparez nos types de formation What is the business model framework? Part 2 of the business model framework 1 2 Créez un compte OpenClassrooms Le téléchargement des vidéos de nos cours est accessible pour les membres Premium. Vous pouvez toutefois les visionner en streaming gratuitement. Devenez Premium 1 2 Créez un compte OpenClassrooms Le téléchargement des vidéos de nos cours est accessible pour les membres Premium. Vous pouvez toutefois les visionner en streaming gratuitement. Devenez Premium