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Mis à jour le 28/03/2024

Download and install Visual Studio Community

Let's download the free Visual Studio Community version to write your first .NET application.

The initial setup will install the Visual Studio Installer, which is used to install Visual Studio Community. Any future modifications you need to make to Visual Studio can be done by launching the Visual Studio Installer from your Start menu.

The installer will then ask for the appropriate workloads to add to your installation. Workloads are a collection of components necessary for the type of applications you wish to create. For example, you can select workloads for web development, desktop applications, or mobile applications. 

You also have the ability to select individual components, which is a collection of frameworks, programming languages, tools, and other services.

In the video below, we are going to do the following steps:

  1. Visit visualstudio.microsoft.com

  2. Download Visual Studio Community

  3. Install & set up

Let's recap!

  • Visual Studio Installer is used to install and modify Visual Studio.

  • You can select one or more workloads depending on the type(s) of application you wish to create.

  • You can select individual components for additional tools and services.

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite