• 20 hours
  • Hard

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Last updated on 11/30/21

Master the fundamentals of Sketch

Evaluated skills

  • Integrate Sketch with Invision to build interactive wireframes and prototypes
  • Understand the basics of prototyping


This quiz will test your knowledge of the fundamentals of Sketch!

  • Question 1

    In Sketch, an artboard is:

    • A canvas in Sketch where we can add layers

    • A way in Sketch to use paintbrushes

  • Question 2

    Which of these menu items for creating an artboard would be best for a mobile app?

    • Artboards > Apple Devices > iPhone8

    • Artboards > Responsive Web > Desktop HD

  • Question 3

    Which two of these options are ways to create a square in Sketch

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Hold down shift when creating a rectangle

    • Create a rectangle and then use the Properties menu to make the height and width of the rectangle the same

    • Create a text layer and then delete the text inside

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