• 10 hours
  • Medium

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Last updated on 4/2/20

Test Your New Super Powers Against Common Attacks!

Evaluated skills

  • Implement secure coding practices to protect against common attacks
  • Question 1

    Choose the best way to secure your web app from an injection attack using $username = 1' or '1' = '1’. (HINT: there are three correct answers.)

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Use input validation.

    • Parameterize your variables.

    • Use Object Relational Mapping (ORM).

    • Don’t use an SQL database.

  • Question 2

    What can the following SQL injection attack potentially do?

    SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username='1' or1=1'; DROP TABLE accounts;
    • It reveals all the accounts to the attacker and deletes the accounts table from the database.

    • It selects one account, and drops the rest of the accounts.

    • It creates a pop-up box that shows the first username.

    • It changes the database language to Java.

  • Question 3

    How is a login and password secured when being transported to the database?

    • It is encrypted on the login page.

    • It is encrypted using HTTPS.

    • It stays plaintext.

    • It uses a stored SQL procedure.

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