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Last updated on 6/29/22

Prepare Your First Campaign

You've studied your market and your target, have a good idea of what makes them tick, and your Page is very active. You’re ready to create your first campaign!

Follow Best Practices

Tell a Story

To make your brand stick in a user’s mind, start by telling a story. Who are you? What are your values, and why should users be interested in you?

A good resource to take your first steps into the world of storytelling is Copywriters.com. It helps you tell great stories (which is often very difficult when you're a little short on words!). 

Create Scalable Content

A campaign is first and foremost composed of ads that are internally consistent. Think of famous campaigns like AirBnb or Dove: each ad stands alone (i.e., you can understand them without seeing the others), but they fit together perfectly to tell a coherent story.

3 Dove campaigns, each with a different female model and targeting a different concern.
Dove campaign

Even though we are studying online media, this aspect is still very important.

For example, say I create two ads:

  • Play with our politicians!

  • Tetrisland: finally, a game that will make you love politics!

They are complementary in that they're not pushing the same message but the same audience understands them.

The more consistent your content is, the more often your audience will visit your Page and click on your ads, and the more your posts will show up on their Feed . Thus, you come full circle!

Create Visual Content

You should be thinking of thumb-stopping content that encourages people to click on a medium (video or image and call-to-action button).

For example, I can add photos and a call to action to my ads: "Try it for free!"

Mobile is a huge part of Facebook and Instagram advertising strategy. More than one billion people around the world use Facebook on their smartphones every day!

Testimonial published by OpenClassrooms.
Think about video format

Write Engaging Content

Each campaign must reflect your values and editorial line, as well as appeal to your audience. Create content with calls to action: talk to users directly, ask questions, etc., as if you were at The Ivy and had to interrupt a conversation. 

OpenClassrooms post with a link to the brand blog
A post linking to the OpenClassrooms blog

Define the Objective of Your Campaign

The very first thing to think about is the objective of your campaign. For example, do you want to generate more sales on your site? Or increase the number of likes for your Page? Your campaign will be very different depending on your goal.

Write down your objective and create an associated landing page, i.e., a web page focused solely on achieving this objective.

Do you want to increase the sales of teddy bears in your store? Your landing page should be the product page for your latest teddy bear launch. Is your app not being downloaded enough? Create a page promoting it.

Want to create the perfect landing page? Find out how in this great blog post by the marketing expert Neil Patel!

Once you’ve created your landing page, you can create your first Facebook campaign. What a momentous occasion! To do this, you need to access the Ads Manager from your Facebook account.

Screenshot of the Facebook menu with access to the Ad Manager button
The Ads Manager button

I'll show you how:

Let's Recap!

To increase your chances of running an effective ad campaign on Facebook and its partner networks, you need to:

  • Tell an exciting and engaging story.

  • Create scalable content.

  • Play with visual formats to attract your target market's attention.

  • Design a landing page dedicated to achieving your campaign objective.

Each campaign has an objective that you define at the very beginning of setting it up. We’ll look at objectives in more detail in the next chapter!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement