• 2 hours
  • Easy

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Last updated on 6/2/23

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Welcome to the course!

Whether you’re already a mentor or want to become one, this course will shed some light on your role.

Understand the Course Structure

This course comprises:

  • Videos for each chapter to introduce key concepts.

  • Testimonials from our mentors to help you imagine yourself in the role.

  • Useful resources and practical information to simplify your daily tasks as a mentor.

  • Quizzes to test your understanding of key concepts and learn to apply them correctly.

The course is divided into three sections. We recommend following them in order:

  1. Uphold OpenClassrooms' philosophy: This part is particularly important if it’s your first time working as a mentor.

  2. Welcome new students: This part explains how students are assigned to you and how to start mentoring them.

  3. Lead mentoring sessions: This part explains how to prepare, organize and follow up on mentoring sessions.

Meet Your Teacher

Lauren Schena is a Mentorship Manager at OpenClassrooms. As part of the Mentorship team she ensures that mentors understand their role and can support students in the best conditions possible. Lauren also develops operational and educational support tools for new mentors and assessors.

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See you in the next chapter where we’ll present the OpenClassrooms’ educational philosophy and show you how to incorporate it into your work as a mentor. Let’s go!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement