• 6 hours
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Last updated on 3/10/23

Choose Your Resources

Identify Possible Resources

When I talk about resources, I’m talking about the means that will make your actions possible.

You can distinguish at least four main types:

  • Physical tools

  • Knowledge materials

  • Human resources

  • Package trainings

During the exercise, fill in the "Resource" column of your learning plan (if you have not yet created your own plan, here is the link to the template).

Complete the
Complete the "Resources" column.

Select your physical tools by asking yourself the following questions:

What do I I need to start to undertake or explore a subject?

What are the material barriers that prevent me from getting started? 

What kind of budget would be reasonable, given my level of commitment?

Select Knowledge Support Materials

To feed your practice (of skills), you will need a certain minimum theoretical base (of knowledge).

There’s an incredible variety of support materials. Some are extremely interactive, while others are less so. It’s up to you to choose between the various:

  • Software programs

  • Applications

  • Video courses and tutorials

  • Paper, digital or audio books

  • Podcasts

  • Other resources

To choose those most suitable for you, ask yourself:

Will this support foster mainly passive or active learning? Is it purely theoretical, practical or mixed?

Which of my senses will be engaged? 

What will this support material cost me? In financial terms? In terms of time (opportunity cost)?

Could I get a better return on time invested with a different activity or support material? 

Surround Yourself With Good Human Resources

Up to now, in this course, we have concentrated on the importance of independent practice, because it’s too often neglected. Nonetheless, this does not challenge the existence and relevance of supported or group sessions.

If you have learned the hard way through the "trial and error" approach, learning from the mistakes of others can help you gain precious time.

To begin recruiting your human resources, I invite you to find at least:

  • One + : a person more experienced than you in the subject (a role model, mentor, coach, tutor or teacher).

  • One = : another learner at a level fairly similar to your own (a learning buddy). You can then share your progress and help each other. 

  • One – : another learner, at a lower level than your own, to whom you can give back what you have learned.

Consider Delegating to Education Professionals

Although designing your own learning plan gives you autonomy and independence, you can still outsource a part of your learning plan.

Joining training programs can provide several benefits. Teaching experts are there to take a lot of the training design off your shoulders, for example, and you’ll often have the opportunity to become certified at the end of a training program.

Let's Recap!

Identify the resources that will be required for your learning plan to optimize its effectiveness:

  • Physical tools

  • Knowledge materials, such as books and videos

  • Human resources, including mentors, peers and people whom you could teach what you are learning

  • Package trainings, such as courses and diploma training programs

Whether you follow an off-the-shelf training course or are 100% independent, in order to succeed you need to know how to manage your time. Continue to the next chapter to learn how to organize your schedule.

Ever considered an OpenClassrooms diploma?
  • Up to 100% of your training program funded
  • Flexible start date
  • Career-focused projects
  • Individual mentoring
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Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement