• 6 hours
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Last updated on 5/12/22

Deploy Windows 10

Evaluated skills

  • Deploy Windows 10 using created image
  • Question 1

    Your cousin’s small startup, InfiniteMedical, is continuing to grow. You have been given a role as an IT technician and tasked with distributing new Windows 10 computers to new employees and interns. 

    Can Windows PE be accessed during Windows installation using a keyboard shortcut of Shift + F8?

    • True

    • False

  • Question 2

    InfiniteMedical has taken delivery of three new Dell OptiPlex 3080MT computers. Your line manager has asked you to choose a deployment method to standardize the installation for the new computers. She has requested that the method not cost the company any money. What is the most time effective solution?

    • Windows Autopilot

    • Classic deployment

    • Azure Active Directory and MDM

    • Deployment of a custom Sysprep image

  • Question 3

    You have asked the intern to open the Sysprep application on each of the new computers. They have asked you where exactly they would find the application. Where do you direct them?

    • It is found in C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep

    • It is found in C:\System32\Sysprep

    • It is downloaded from Microsoft’s website

    • It is in the “sources” folder found in the installation media

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