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Last updated on 11/8/22

Check Your Understanding of React Components and JSX

Evaluated skills

  • Understand React components and JSX
  • Question 1

    Select the JavaScript frameworks from the following list:

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Angular

    • VueJS

    • React

    • PHP

  • Question 2

    The best practice to transform an HTML file into a React app on CodePen is to:

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Indicate in the HTML where the React app will live, e.g., with a className.

    • Import the CDN React and React DOM links.

    • Attach the React app to the HTML with ReactDOM.render(<MonApp />,document.getElementById('monId')).

    • Configure Babel.

  • Question 3

    What are the advantages of React?

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • All of the libraries needed for a new project are supplied from the get-go.

    • React is very modular.

    • Its syntax – JSX – can be used very effectively.

    • React is widely used, so knowing it opens the door to lots of professional opportunities.

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